Chapter 3

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Kellin pov

It's my first day of classes and I'm beyond nervous and anxious. This is nothing like I thought it would. Who knew this would be worse then fighting paparazzi? I certainly didn't. The last time I was in a classroom was when I was just eleven so I was in what, the fifth grade, something like that. Vic's not freaking, well why would he, he's used to this sort of thing. Well I have no choice I gave up everything to come and do this so I have to at least try it for a while.

I hear my alarm clock go off, I don't know why I set that thing it's not like I slept last night. Oh well, better get up and get ready. After showering and getting dressed, I see Vic just sitting on his bed on his phone. I pick up my books and my bag.

"Well I'm heading out to my first class, see ya later" I say to him.

"Ok, good luck" he tells me.

I leave our dorm building and head to the General Ed building. I have to go to room 228 for my math class. Although Vic told me that this class is really typical math that you think off, there's no numbers, he said it's called logic. We'll see how it goes. I find the classroom with out any problems and walk in and instantly there were like ten heads staring at me. I did come early, so I'm sure there's more people coming. I take a seat in the back to try and avoid peoples gazes. But that doesn't really work. There's two girls over to my right that keep looking at me.

I don't really care all that much but it does get annoying sometimes. I can't lie about that. But it's whatever, I'm sure once the teacher comes in and starts they'll stop.

Within minutes the teacher comes in along with like fifteen students as well they all fill in seats however the seats around me weren't filled, weird. Until the girl that was staring at me comes over and sits in that desk. I don't think much of it. So I try to ignore her.

"Good morning everyone, welcome to Logic, it's a different kind of math and I also know that most of you are only here because you have to be, that's ok, anyway let's get started shall we" the teacher says. Then starts writing on the board.

After a long hour or more of that, I'm utterly confused. How in the hell is that considered Math and or worth learning? But I can't dwell on it know I have to get to my next class, which is health. Which I found out is in a different building, the PE one. I head over there and I need classroom 104. I find it after walking the wrong way at first, I enter the room and take a seat. I look around and everyone in here are already looking at me. That's when I see the same girl, looking at me with a excited smile. I look away and roll my eyes.

The teacher comes in, so do more students. Then he starts as well. I keep feeling eyes on me. I don't even have to look to know it's that girl again. She wouldn't leave me alone before, so why should that change. The teacher goes on with whatever he's talking about, I take a few notes but there's not much.

Now that that ones over now I can head back to my dorm and sleep, my next class isn't for a few hours.

"Hey" I hear with a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi, you were the one starring at me right?" I say. She blushes.

"Yeah, I was hoping you'd notice" he giggles. Ugh.

"Well I got to go see ya" I say.

"Wait, my names Kate" she says.

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