Chapter 9

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Kellin pov

It's been about a month since the whole Jaime and Vic thing went down. And for like the last two weeks Vic's been sorta clingy to me. Before that he was just moping around the dorm, then he suddenly clung to my side and I'm not going to complain, cause he's cute and I like him but it's just a tad annoying. He's just always there and following me around, he doesn't when he goes to class of the bathroom. I thinks he's trying to fill the void he lost. But I can't say I don't want to make assumptions I haven't dated in years so. I have to ask him about this I just want to know why.

I'm currently studying in my dorm. Vic isn't here right now he's in class doesn't mean he's left me alone. He's been texting me. His class will be over in a few minutes so he's done texting me, but he'll be here soon. I think I'm going to talk to him about this. I just want to know it's just a little wired for me. I like Vic he's my friend and I may have a bit of a crush on him, but still. The door opens and I see Vic walk in but he's with Mike and Tony.

"Alright bitches what movie are we watching?" Mike shouts walking in.

"As long as it's not Harry Potter, Mike" Tony said.

"Well I'm not watching Star Wars either, Tony" Mike says to him.

"Mike put in whatever you want, I don't want to hear this argument again" Vic says.

"Kellin what do you want to watch?" Mike asks me.

"Uhh..." I look at them.

Honestly I haven't even heard of Harry Potter and I only saw like one or two Star Wars movies and I didn't like it.

"He wants you to pick his favorite" Vic whisperers to me.

"I don't know who Harry Potter is and I don't really like Star Wars" I say, I didn't want to offend them.

There were gasps and faked deaths.

"Will you stop being over dramatic" I say.

"How could you live on the planet and not know who Harry Potter is! It's an out rage, it's a scandal" Mike shouts. "Thats final your going to watch it right now"

I saw Vic roll his eyes when Mike said that. Was that supposed to be referring to something? Then he goes to the tv and puts a dvd in. Tony's just been glaring at me for like the last five minutes.

"I'm sorry Tony I only saw like two of the movies and I didn't like them" I say. He nods and slumped lower onto Vic's bed and he pulled out his phone and tried to tone out the movie.

I stopped what I was doing and went over to my bed and sat on it so I could watch the movie I was actually a little excited to see it just to know what Mike likes about it. Vic lays on my bed with me and that reminds me to talk to him about that later. Mike starts the movie, and lays on Vic's bed with Tony and he watches and doesn't look away. It's a few minutes in and I can see the reference he made it was from this movie.

After the movie Tony was asleep, Mike was ready to put another dvd in. and Vic was leaning on me. The movie was good, I'll say that. But it was hard with Mike constantly quoting the movie. I think now will be a good time wot talk to Vic. I get up and go to the bathroom. Then like expected he's waiting outside the door.

"Oh hi Vic"

"Hey" He says.

"Listen can we talk for a minute?" I ask.


"I'm Vic can I just ask you why you've been clinging to me for the last couple weeks?"

I notice his smile falter. That's not what I wanted.

"Oh, it's for no specific reason, really. But I just like you Kellin"

"Oh I like you too, we're ready friends tho"

"N-no, I Like you like really like you" He says.

"Oh, Vic I'll admit that I like you too, and I think your a very good looking guy, but my job is to demanding and I do a lot of traveling I couldn't—"

I was cut off with Vic kissing me. That was different. I responded to it and that seemed to excite him more and he was kissing me harder. Then he pulled away blushing looking down.

"Kellin I don't care about all of that though, you like me and I like you, and I thought you quit anyway" he says.

"Well not exactly, I wasn't allowed to quit, I'm just taking a break from modeling, but I have to go back to it at the end of the school year and I have no idea what my agent has planned for me" I explain. He nods.

"But still, I really want to give it a try, I was doing all that cause I wanted to to notice me. I was trying to be flirty, but I guess it wasn't translated well"

"Well that's probably my fault I don't really pick up on those cues. I'm just not good at that I told you I dated that one person when I was fourteen for like a month so" I tell him.

"Well there's so much I can teach you about the public and life in general, and I like your job, I have the pictures at home. So your job doesn't bother me, please Kellin"

"Are you two coming to watch the next one Kellin needs to know!" I hear Mike shouts.

"I'll think about it, but let's go before mike sends a search team and kills me" I say.

"Ok" he says.

I think I should take him up on his offer. I really do like him. But I'd have to hide him from the paparazzi. I can't have him subjected to that. Who knows how he'll be able to handle it.

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