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Writer : ah yes. After a long 2 hours of typing, I'm finally ready to post this , wonderfully created chapter on

"HOW to STOP This ANOYIN C@t form SITING pan mi laptop WhEN MI A USE IT!!!!"

Horror Brain : skin the cat alive and use it as a new cat pad.

Get it?

CAT PAD????!!!!
Ba dumb tiss!!!

Cause you normally say mouse pad..... and cat chases and kills mice and ....but you're using the cat instead...hehe....

Clears throat

W@ttp@d : um yeah, so uh, we gonna do some fixes rn yeah? So everything you just care fully constructed?

Yeah you remember that hard work?

Watch how we gonna treat it rn

Flushes hard work down toilet

Writer : wait no you can't do that !!

Pulls out hard work

Writer : ew!what is this?! Braille ???

WATTPA- OOPS...W@ttp@D :nope its your story that everyone is now viewing

Writer: WHAT?!

Wattp@d : yeah love you too...

Writer ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now