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Writer: busy writing a story in her writing book
Drops pen

Writer: Oh shoot! Tries to catch pen mid air
Pen lands on the clicker and the point jabs a new breathing hole in the middle of writer's hand

Writer: Wh-....w-w-.....why...would you this to me..... we had a relationship, a child in need of writing.....why?....

Blue Pen: I'm sorry owner, but, our relationship...just..isnt....healthy and that child we created ...cannot be finished with me

Writer: oh pen you betrayed me!you betrayed us, you killed my baby!!!

Blue Pen: I'm sorry my love, I've lost too much ink as it is! I must leave you forever

Falls to the floor and rolls off to wherever pens go when I lose them....I dunno? Maybe they find a octopus bar or something.

Writer: Goodbye my love, I will remember you...

Normal person that was watching this entire

Writer's best friend slaps a bandaid over there hole in the writer's heart- I mean, hand and hands her a purple inked pen without showing a single emotion  because this happens every two hours 

Writer looks at best friend : you're going to be my new main character in this story!!! Isn't that awesome oh great, kind, incrediby strong, wondeful, rich-

BFF: just give me back the pen when your done

Writer never gave back the pen

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