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Marina stood next to Will and Jack as they held buckets in their hands; her eyes wondered to the man who was laying his head on a pig like it was a pillow a bottle in his hand she recognized it as Gibbs. Her mind wondered if he was the same man she knew then spatting off about how everything in the world was Bad Luck! she chuckled at that thought but pushed it away when she watched Jack splash water all over Gibbs causing her to hold back her laughter as he shot up angry from his comfy pig pillow.

"Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot" he shouted but stopped once he saw Jack, "Mother's love, Jack, you know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping. It's bad luck!" Gibbs spoke she giggled to which he looked at her, "do my eyes deceive me is that you Marina Swann?" he asked she looked up at him and smiled.

"Hello Gibbs, Sir" she bowed to which he looked flustered before he could say more Jack stepped in. "And to answer your question moments ago. I well, fortunately, I know how to counter it. The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink, and the man who was sleeping it drinks it while listening to a proposition" Jack spoke Marina leaned up she looked slightly confused before she pieced what he said together as did Gibbs who gave a look of understanding.

"Aye, that'll about do it" Gibbs spoke Jack helped him to his feet before moving back and Will splashed the other bucket on him, "Blast it, I'm already awake!" he exclaimed anger eminent in his face.

"I know. That was for the smell" Will spoke up; Gibbs anger disappeared and he nodded in understanding.


Marina was sent back to the ship the night before and now she woke up too the sound of Jack walking into the Cabin room getting something she peaked up, "Good morning Jack" she sighed out as she looked at him from her position to which he walked toured her. "How would you like to join us in looking at our possible crew members?" he asked she nodded getting out of the bed forgetting she was wearing nothing but her button up shirt and underwear, "put on pants before hand" he said before hurrying out she looked down realizing now why he was freaking out her face turned red from embarrassment.

After getting dressed she walked out and headed for the docks seeing men lined up in a row; Jack looked at each  of them. "Feast your eyes, Cap'n. All of 'em good sea-faring men, faithful hands before the mast, every one worth his salt...  and crazy, to boot" Gibbs spoke Marina looked at all of them they did look like crazy people. Jack stops in front of a man with a parrot on his shoulder Marina couldn't help but eye the colorful bird.

"Cotton here is mute, sir. Poor devil had his tongue cut out..." Gibbs spoke up as Cotton opened his mouth revealing he had no tong Marina felt bad for the man, "so he went and trained the parrot to do the talking for him, nobody knows how. Nobody knows the parrot's name, neither, so we just call it 'Cotton's parrot." Gibbs finished after showing disgust for the sight; Marina walked over to Jack and nodded to the man.

"Mr. Cotton. Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true, in the face danger, and almost certain death?" Jack asked she looked at him then too Cotton who held up his feathered friend. "Wind in your SAILS! Wind in your SAILS!" the color bird squawked this caused Marina to giggle slightly.

"Does that mean yes Mr. Cotton?" she asked gracing him with a smile to which he returned nodding, "well Jack I think he should be apart of the crew" she looked at him; he nodded she had her way with Jack Sparrow and even Jack knew that. "Course, Satisfied" he looked back at Will.

"Well you've proved their mad" Will whispered Marina looked at him making crossed eyes. "But aren't we all Will" she laughed this caused him to chuckle lightly Jack smiled slightly at her banter. "What's the benafit for us?" A female voice shouted Marina followed Jack to said voice when she looked at the other woman she smiled finally she would be not the only one aboard.

Jack removed her hat and all her hair fell out, "AnaMarie" Jack smiled she then slapped him this caused Marina to giggle but she did so quietly as Jack gave her a glance. "i suppose you didn't deserve that one either?" Will asked Jack looked at him.

"No, that one I deserved" he spoke as he turned she started on him. "You stole my boat!" she snapped he went to say more but she slapped him again Marina just couldn't hold it back her laughter was getting hard to control the crew stayed silent but her laugh almost broke their stillness. 

"Barrowed, barrowed without permission with every intention to bring it back" he spoke side glancing and Marina who was wiping away tears with at how hard she was laughing it caused her to cry.

"But you didn't!" AnaMarie exclaimed with rage. 

"You'll get another one" Jack responded with slight fear of being struck again Ana's finger went in his face.

"I will!" she spoke angrily. 

"A better one" Marina spoke up.

"A better one" Jack smiled at her cleverness.

"That one!" Will spoke up he pointed at the interceptor this made Marina laugh again; it wasn't what she meant but now Jack couldn't back down he agreed before even knowing for what.

"What one!" Jack asked.

"That one!" Marina exclaimed pointing at the boat Jack looked at them he was visibly upset but he turner to Ana and. "Aye, that one what say you!" Jack asked she pondered it then she and the crew yelled Aye.

As the crew walked away Gibbs walked up. "No! No! It's frightful bad luck to bring a woman aboard!" Gibbs exclaimed Marina looked at him. "Gibbs you say all everything is back luck!" Marina laughed before snatching a piece of fruit Jack had from his hand she then smiled at him before walking off Jack returned it.


Marina was helping on deck with some rigging as they sailed threw a storm. Jack watched has her dark hair whipped in the wind and water she just smiled and continued to help her blue eyes in amazement as she did so, his hand grazed something he had in his pocket ever so gently before retracting his hand and grabbing the wheel. "That fool will have us lose the canvas, and the masts besides!"Gibbs shouted he turned running up too him.

"We'd best drop canvas, sir" Gibbs shouted Jack gave off a smile. "She can hold a bit longer" Jack shouted out.

"What's in your head to put you in such a fine mood?" Gibbs shouted out. "We're catching up!" Jack shouted out Marina turned too him giving off a wild smile.

Daughter of the Sea (Pirates of the Caribbean FF/ Dutchman & Calypso's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now