All Better Now

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I'm thankful I no longer have those terrible days I use to have. I had days were I would just wake up and wish I hadn't. I had days were I didn't care. Even days where I would just sit around thinking myself into sadness. Then I'd see your face and instantly break down. It wouldn't be your simple break down either. It was a loud ugly cry every time I closed my eyes I would see you. I remember one day as a child I had a dream very close to the day you died. It might of been a few months later maybe. My mom asked me to get her flip flops from downstairs. I went downstairs to get them as I was coming up the steps I saw you sitting there crying. I was so scared I tried to get back up the steps to pass you but you were calling my name crying trying to grab me. But I was so scared so I ran passed you then I woke up in fear and still to this day I have this dream sometimes. It's scarier the more I have it. I also remember all the times you spent the night around the time you were sick. I never understood why. But I never asked I remember you telling me what the lines on my hands meant. If only I could remember what you said my right hand meant. Anyways I'm better now and I'm so thankful. I can talk about our memories together without crying I'm so happy now. I've never been able to do that before God is so good.

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