Legacy2: The New Trust

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Chapter Six

            When I climbed out of the old tree I heard someone running through the woods. "Ryne?" I said, running toward the noise. What a stupid thing to do, what if it was the Hylls? Next thing I know I'm face to face with a girl about my age with short, brown hair and deep brown eyes. "AHHHH,"  we both screamed in each others faces. We took off in opposite directions and hid behind large trees aiming guns at one another. "Who are you," the girl asked. "Wyden Bloode," I replied unsure, "Who are you?" "Brie Fariss," she said while glaring at me through the corner of her beautiful, brown eyes, "What are you doing here?" "Oh not much, just running for my life," I remarked. "Oh wow, really? Why?" she asked. "It's a long story," I told her as I stepped out from behind the tree. "Oh, well maybe I can help you," she said with a smile on her face. I liked this girl. I just met her and I felt as if I had known her my whole life. "Really? Would you?" I asked happily. "Sure, it will be fun," she said, hopping joyfully. "Great, thank you," I said feeling a smile grow on my face. I explained to her what had happened these past few days, and why. She seemed exited to help me. I trust her..

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