29: Never Fade

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     "Well, there you guys are!" Jacob said genially. "How are you feeling, Tina? Queenie told me everything."
"I'm fine," Tina said with a sheepish smile as she siphoned the water from her clothes with her wand. "We have some other Aurors on the case...but they were targeting me, in particular, so we should probably stay away from MACUSA until I'm given the all clear."
"Maybe we shouldn't be out in the open, then," Newt said, wondering why she hadn't mentioned it. "I didn't know they were after you, or I wouldn't have taken you out in public."
Tina turned to him and smiled, the warm yellow light of the bakery glinting like gold flecks in eyes.
"Newt, I'm all right," she said earnestly. She took his hand in both of hers, pressing her cool fingers to his warm ones. "Really. Don't worry. I wasn't alone, anyway. I was with you."
    Newt's stomach swooped. He had no idea Tina thought so highly of him that she'd trust him with her life. The thought was thrilling, yet it also made him slightly nervous. He was used to protecting animals, but it had been so long since he'd been this close to a person....he'd almost forgotten what it was like. His palm would have started sweating if Tina's hands weren't so cold. Newt returned her smile and nodded before turning to Jacob.
"How's business today?"
"It's good," Jacob said casually. "Normal, I'd say. Henry's gone to the mill to get more flour for the second time today. I might have to hire someone else to work here just to take the load off the poor kid."
   As if on cue, the back door opened and a thin young man walked in, hefting a huge sack of flour. He dropped it by the counter.
"Hey, Henry," Jacob said. "Thanks, man. Feeling up to washing and peeling some apples for me so I can make some pies?"
"Sure thing, Mr. Jacob," Henry said cheerfully. His cheeks were red with cold and his hair was damp from the rain, but he seemed happy enough. Newt thought of the jobs he could have; working endlessly long hours in a canning factory like Jacob used to do. No wonder Henry considered himself lucky to have such a good job, with a kind boss who didn't treat him like he was just another number in the system. He happily started scrubbing apples until their green skins shone.
"How's the back burns?" Jacob asked Newt.
Newt subconsciously reached to his left arm and traced where the flames had kissed his flesh. "They're nearly nonexistent now, thanks to Tina."
"That's great!" Jacob said. "I knew that they were better, of course, but I needed an update."
"The scars might go away if he keeps applying the ointment," Tina said.
"All right, miss doctor," Queenie said. "Shouldn't you be taking that stuff home? The shoes and the suit? It'll wrinkle if you leave it in the bag too long." She gave Tina a shrewd look. Newt guessed she knew what had happened.
"Yeah...yeah. Right. Newt? Coming?" Tina asked him.
"Yes," Newt stretched, trying his best to look casual. "I need to feed my creatures, anyway."
"Right," Tina said. "Well, see you guys at dinner. Are you coming to the apartment, Queenie?"
"I don't know, yet," Queenie shrugged. "If we don't...don't be surprised."
"Right," Tina repeated again. "See you." She and Newt walked out into the cold drizzle once more, quickly Apparating to the alley behind the sisters' apartment building. They walked in, Newt being careful and quiet, so as not to attract the attention of Mrs. Esposito. He'd done a good job so far, but with the girls coming home from work early, he decided to be extra careful.
    Of course, that's when Mrs. Esposito could be heard coming down the stairs.
"I'll Disapparate to your living room!" He whispered quickly to Tina.
"You can't! It's too loud in here!" Tina whispered back.
   Newt looked around frantically, until he got a sudden, risky idea. He cast a Disillusionment charm on himself feeling the cold sensation trickle over his body until he resembled a chameleon. Then, he stood in the dark corner of the stairwell. He was just out of sight when Mrs. Esposito came into view.
"Tina!" She said, her thick, dark hair falling out of its bun and into her eyes. "I heard you and Queenie come in from work earlier than usual. Is everything okay?"
"Oh, yes, Mrs. Esposito," Tina said, feigning weariness. "There was an incident with some paperwork. It turns out we did twice as much as we needed to on Friday, so they sent us home early! No sense in hanging around if we have nothing to do. We'll be going back tomorrow, though, I'm sure. Those bosses always have more for us to do at some point."
"Oh, well that's good!" Mrs. Esposito said, straightening her flowery apron. "I was afraid you were sick, or fired, or something. Anyway, I'm off to the bakery. Have you been to Kowalski's yet? He makes some good bread."
"Oh, yes," Tina said quickly. "In fact, Kowalski's our cousin. Queenie's over there talking to him, right now. You should ask her to introduce you to him when you walk in; he's a great guy."
"Really? Well, it's a small world! Have a good day off," Mrs Esposito waved cheerfully and left. Newt exhaled as she shut the door behind her. Tina laughed in relief and grabbed Newt by his hand, pulling him after her. He was glad she didn't notice him blushing.
"Newt, that was some brilliant quick thinking!" Tina said breathlessly as she shut the door. She spun around to look him in the eyes. "Impressive, really." The radio was still on from lunch, soft music humming in the background.
    This was it, Newt thought. Tina had tried it earlier, but the moment was ruined. Now, here, the moment couldn't be ruined. It was time to take a risk and do something brave. Newt took Tina's other hand and pulled her closer, entwining her fingers with his. She was breathing fast when they made eye-contact; there was a look in her warm brown eyes that had always intrigued Newt. It was kind, but firm; soft, but relentless. Adventurous and brave.
   Tina stood on her tip-toes and kissed his cheek. "Let's dance."
"Dance?" Newt thought back to a dance at Hogwarts, when he had gone for the feast and left immediately afterward to feed his cat. "It's been a while since I danced," he ventured.
"It's easy," Tina said softly. "You just sort of...sway on the spot. With slow dancing, anyway."
"All right," Newt decided. "I need my practice anyway, right?"
"Right," Tina whispered. Her fingers caressed his arms as she let go of his hands and went up, coiling her arms around his neck. He hesitantly placed his hands on her waist, but she pulled herself closer. Newt wrapped his arms around her, placing one hand on the small of her back, and one on the back of her head. With Tina resting her head on his shoulder, her faint scent of peppermint intoxicating, Newt felt totally relaxed and at ease. Her breath brushed his neck as they swayed, warming him. She repositioned her arms around his waist, and pulled away slightly to look him in the eyes. Her warm gaze relaxed him even more, giving him more confidence.
"Newt," she said, her breath smelling like cinnamon up close.
   Newt pulled her to him, pressing his lips to hers; he was immediately plunged into countless sensations. Holding Tina in real life was better than a dream could have ever duplicated. They weren't an ocean apart, now; he was really holding her close, kissing her, which was a thrill in and of itself.
She tasted like one of the pecan rolls from Jacob's bakery, like cinnamon and sugar. The scent of peppermint was stronger up close. Tina's hands curled around his back and squeezed him closer and closer, tighter and tighter. Newt wove his fingers through her thick hair, his other hand pressing on the small of her back. They stood, intertwined, the warm fire casting their shadow across the wall, the music in the background slowing everything down, making every sensation richer and more savory than the last. No matter what was wrong in MACUSA, no matter when or if the gala was still on, no matter about Mrs. Esposito, no matter what happened--Newt had this moment, this memory with Tina, and it would never fade.

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