31: Quitting and Beginning

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"Grindelwald will be going to Europe, of course, just like Newt's professor said," Tina said as they walked through the huge doors into the atrium of MACUSA. "We just don't know where....even though Europe is the second smallest continent, it's still pretty big, so we obviously need a lead....maybe he's going to another major city; another magic capital, maybe? I don't know..."
"Teen, calm down," Queenie said. "We'll get all the info soon."
"Not soon enough," Tina said savagely. She gritted her teeth at the thought of Grindelwald on the loose, hurting another obscurial, like he did to Credence, with no remorse, that horrible, cruelly intrigued look in his mismatched eyes. "Oh that man...he has no idea what's coming to him. Credence was too young. He was too innocent, and kind!"
    Tina hated Gellert Grindelwald, and though she had forced herself not to think about Credence too much, now that she was now...the more unfair it seemed. He was gone, that poor, beaten boy was dead because of a greedy, power-hungry man with no thought of anyone but himself. Thinking about it made her blood boil with rage.
"Teen," Queenie repeated softly as they entered the Auror office. "It'll be all right. We'll get him."
"I hope so, Queenie," Tina said. She approached Cara, who jumped when she touched her shoulder.
"Tina!" Cara shivered. "You scared me! Have they given you the veritaserum yet?"
"Oh, no, but-" Cara cut Tina off by binding her hands, then Queenie's.
"What the-!" Tina said indignantly. "Just give us the serum! Let's get it over with."
"Sorry, Tina," Cara said. "You know how obligations are. And Sam's bringing it now."
   Sam walked up with a tray of little cups of clear liquid. Cara took two and fed them to Tina and Queenie as Sam moved on.
"Are you who you say you are?" Cara asked.
"Yes," answered the sisters.
Cara sighed with relief and cut their bonds. "Okay, Tina, good news. Well, it's great news, actually."
"You don't look too excited about it," Tina said.
"I'm running on half an hour of sleep and enough caffiene to fuel a train from New York to Los Angeles," Cara said blandly. "Anyway. Yes, it's very good news; Percival Graves has been found, as well as the President, and all the other officials."
"Really? That's great! How's Graves?" Tina asked, a million questions hitting her at once.
"He's weak," Cara divulged. "Really thin and tired. At home. His cousin is taking care of him, since he doesn't have a wife. Madam Picquery is fine, of course, and so are the others. He had is worse because he's been gone the longest."
"Ah," Tina said, glad to hear he was okay, but ready to move on. "You've found all the rogues?"
"Yes, an interrogated them. Oh, and Picquery actually wanted to talk to you," Cara said, looking as though it dawned on her last minute.
"She did? Oh," Tina gatherd herself. "Queenie, wait in my office or something. I'll meet you after I'm done," Tina said.
"Well...." Tina could tell Queenie was reluctant. "Okay. See you then. We leave right after, okay?"
"Okay." Tina hurried to the President's office.
"Madam President?" Tina opened the door of Picquery's office, to find the President, Mr. Causy, and a few other officials, all looking tired, but no worse for wear.
"Goldstein," the President sighed with relief. "You're all right?"
"I'm fine, Madam. Yourself?" Tina said politely.
"Good. Now, have a seat. We need to focus on what task we should assign to you," Picquery said, rubbing her forehead wearily.
"We could place her in charge of patrolling the rogues with a few other Aurors," Mrs. Francis, Head of Security, said.
"Or she could search the city for any who escaped before we could capture them," Mr. Caussy suggested. "Anything but what the President suggested; it's too risky."
"What did you suggest, Madam President?" Tina asked cautiously.
"That you follow Grindelwald to Europe," she said. "It seems smart to me to have someone on his tail, since he'll almost definitely be leaving America. No one else agrees with me, however." She glared at Caussy, who glared stubbornly back.
"Ma'am, as a member of your Cabinet, I must implore you to see reason; it isn't smart, and Miss Goldstein surely would not want to put her life in danger like that-"
"Excuse me!" Tina broke in, offended. "Sir. That's exactly what I planned on doing--leaving the country with some of my most trusted friends, and searching for Grindelwald. And by the way, sir, I'm an Auror; I put my life on the line four times a week."
"That's stupid, Goldstein," Mr. Caussy said, his eyebrow twitching. "And this is my area, so the President, I'm afraid, has no say. I forbid it. Now, off to the cells to guard the rogues."
"Mr. Caussy!" Tina said firmly. "It isn't stupid! There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity, and this isn't anywhere near the line. If you ask me, what's stupid is letting one of the most notorious evil wizards of the world go without chasing him."
"Miss Goldstein, that's quite enough!" Mr. Caussy said. "Unless you plan on losing your job, you will leave this office and go straight to the cells as I ordered you. Go!" He glared at Tina, his eyebrow twitching again, daring her to keep talking.
"Madam President," Tina said formally, turning to Picquery, who's mouth was set in a firm line, though her eyes sparkled. "I accept the duty you have given me. Whatever I do henceforth, I do in the name of my country." She turned to Caussy, her eyes bright with anger and determination. "I'm afraid, sir, that what I'm doing is not against the law, so you have no right to stop me."
"Goldstein," Caussy said, deadly quiet. "One more word out of you, and you're fired."
"You should have let me finish." Tina said icily. "You don't have to worry aboyt firing me. I quit."
    And she walked out, the President smiling after her as she went to collect the information they needed, and to grab Queenie and her things.

Shoutout to Newtinalover and Realsiriusproblem for voting on all my chapters, and being faithful, awesome readers! Check out some of their stories.
    There should only be one or two more chapters after this; I'm writing a sequel based on what we know about Crimes of Grindelwald.
Love from LunaPage💛

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