Part 9

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"Oh crap we need to turn around!" I yelled slapping the dashboard.
"Why?" Ethan said turning the car around.
"My mom's still in the grocery store!" I said freaking out!
"Oh how did we forget that!!!" Bee yelled. We get to the grocery store and  picked up my mom we dropped her off home and I switched seats with Ethan so I was driving. I dropped them off at an abandoned gas station around the corner from the woods that I'm taking Cj to.
"Ok this is it!" I mumbled kind of nervous.
"No i cant let you do this Amber this isnt happening! No way!" Ethan yelled.
"I love you to Ethan" i said with a sympathetic glare and a slight giggle. He rolled his eyes and giggled back. I moved around testing the trackers we tested our ear peices and then I drove to the motel. I knew exactly what room Cj's friends lived in cause he always stays here when he's not in jail. I knock on the door and see a tall bald dude open the door. Who in the world is this. I know all of Cj's friends and he isn't one of them. His eyes got wide then he smirked, did I knock on the wrong door?
"Well if it isn't my little sister!" He snarled. Wow haircut was an understatement! I pull out a tracker from my pocket and laid it on my hand, "Hey bro." I said I hugged him and stuck the tracker on his back. I stand back and stare at him waiting for him to notice when he didn't I gave him a laugh and shoved past him. I walk into the kitchen and saw 5 of the 8 friends I remember.
"What happenedd to Jack, Chase, and Aaron?" I asked casually leaning against the wall.
"Oh hey it's Amber!" said the only friend I forgot the name of.
"Oh hey Amber, yeah they're still in jail you know how it works." Said Cameron. Cameron was probably my least favorite friend out of all of them although it's hard to choose they're alk pretty obnoxious!
All of a sudden I here my earpiece buzz.
"Amber we're here to get this over with not to small talk let's go!" Said Bee's voice.
"Ok ok gimme a minute!" I whisper shouted. I give each of them a hug sticking the trackers on their backs.
"Smooth Amber." Ethans voice rang through my earpiece. That made me giggle a bit cause I forgot I had my go pro on.
"Alright enough playing around what are you here for?" Cj giggle.
"Actually I'm here to talk to you." Cj face stayed neutral.
"Talk to you, alone!" I said. His face looked pissed and his friends stood up.
"My car, let's go!" I scolded he nodded his head signaling for his boys to follow. I knew they would come but now I got 5 more people I got to try to dodge, this should be interesting.....

Authors note: Uh oh! What will happen next???

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