Who to choose? (All Boys)

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(Rebekah's POV)

My brother George told me I had to come and meet his band. I'm not a big fan of boybands, I think they're a tad over rated. At the moment we're on our way to Surrey, to go to the 'M.A.D House'. Yes, they named their house. I know the band is called M.A.D but god.

"Nearly there." My brother called, I had my headphones in. "You're listening to music, right?" He asked, what a stupid question. What else would I be listening to. If I was watching a video my eyes would be on the screen.

"Well yes, George!" I said smirking. He hates it when I'm right and I catch him out, he always has even when we were growing up.

"Listen to one of their songs." He said taking his eyes of the road for a second. "Fame and TV." He said diverting his eyes back to the road.

"Do I have too?" I asked slumping my shoulders. I already told him I wasn't keen on boybands. I had to come because mum went on holiday and I didn't want to go with her. So, I asked George if I could stay with him. He said yes, I had no idea what I had got myself into if I'm honest.

"Yes, just listen to it." He said tilting his head a little bit still keeping his eyes on the road. "It might change your perspective on boybands?" He shrugged.

"Are they hot?" I asked, I know it is not all about looks but c'mon about ten percent of it is, right?

"They're fairly good looking lads." He replied obviously not comftable with that question. I chuckled at his answer.

It took about an hour to get there. We are finally there, George and I were just singing to songs on the radio. We parked in front of a flat, I got out and headed to the back of the car to get my suitcase out.

"George, can you carry it for me?" I asked trying to pull it out of the boot of the car. "Its heavy." I said as he took it out of my hands.

"I'll go get the boys.." He said walking of to the flat door. I waited at the car, I leant against the car. I was staring into space, this place was nice. It wasn't like where I lived, where I lived was horrible. I hated it.

"Hi, I'm Ben." A boy said holding out his hand for me to shake, I raised my eyebrows. He was suprisingly attractive. This is going to sound rude but I thought they were going to ugly. I haven't seen the other to but god, this guy was attractive!

"Rebekah." I said taking his hand in mine and shaking it. "Nice to meet you." I smiled, he kindly returned the smile. He grabbed my bag and started walking to the flat door.

"Rebekah, make your way up." George said getting back into the car, what is he doing? "I'm going to get some food because no doubt the boys have ate it all!" He said shutting the door and driving away.

Great, so he is going to leave me with three complete strangers. Well, they were'nt strangers, he new them but they were strangers to me. I let out a massive sigh and made my way through the flat. I forgot which number it was but I saw the Ben guy standing in the hallway, I walked towards him.

"You alright, darling?" He said rasing his eyebrows. Wow, butterflies, butterflies. I've known him for what, a couple of minutes and he already had this sort of effect on me.

"I'm great, yeah, really good." I smiled, trying not to sound freaky. It was'nt working very well, at least I'm trying. We were standing near the window of the flat, I looked outside to see a group of girls with signs standing outside.

"Um, Ben" I chocked when I saw one of the signs. It said. 'I love Big Ben.'

"Yes?" He smiled walking towards the window. I pointed to the group of girls. I saw him rub his hands across his face in fustration.

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