Mother Nagini

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Everyone left immediately— they definitely knew better than to overstay their welcome, especially if their Lord was pissed, and now as well, if their Prince was pissed.

And oh, they were.

Aside from the adrenaline Harry was feeling, he also felt a strange sort of closure. Although he had almost been attacked by a Death Eater, he had confidently and correctly shown them how he deserved to be respected. 'Finally,' Harry thought, 'Why hadn't I done that sooner? Even if that showed one person their place, it was worth it.'

Harry curled more into Tom as Tom hummed, rubbing his hands all over the smaller boy's back. "I'm sorry it came to that," Tom apologized. "Merlin, I should have known it was annoying you so much. Of course it was, I'm—"

"It's not your fault that people have strange ideals when it comes to me. Besides, I told them off, didn't I?"

Tom chuckled fondly. "That you did." He got off the chair with Harry in his arms and walked out of the room, Nagini following close behind. "Well, that still doesn't solve this problem. What are we to do with Cesar?"

"If I may intervene," Nagini cut off, slithering faster to move alongside the couple. "There was ssomething off with the magic— I'm well aware of a wizard'ss magic, but hiss orderss to me were...drowssy, I do not honesstly think he wass in the correct sstate of mind."

Tom and Harry were silent, processing the new information. 'He was drowsy?' Harry wondered. 'Like he wasn't in his state of mind?'

"Tom?" Harry asked softly, rubbing one of the arms wrapped around him. "Could it have been the imperio?"

The taller male glanced down before focusing on climbing the stairs to their room. "Perhaps. But even if this certain spell were involved, this wouldn't change the fact that there is someone in our ranks who wants to capture you. The question is; is Cesar still under the influence, or do we only have one traitor?"

The silence returned once more. The only sounds were Tom's footsteps lightly tapping against the floor, and Nagini's slithering. As they reached the bedroom, Nagini suddenly stopped.

"I wouldn't want to intrude," she stated, and for a snake, she somehow looked uncomfortable.

"If Harry trustss you, then it would be fine for you to find a place to ssleep in our room," Tom responded, before stepping inside the room, and waiting for Nagini to enter before closing the door.


Harry had decided to take a shower to calm his nerves, so 15 minutes later, when he returned from their bathroom, he was surprised to see his soulmate in a deep conversation with his only childhood friend. He decided to listen in without letting his presence be known.

He snorted. 'The Saviour's lover, the Dark Lord, talking to the Saviour's only childhood friend, a snake. It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke.'

"How hass Harry grown sso much?" Harry heard Nagini ask, while he was eavesdropping.

Tom smiled slightly. "It hass been five yearss, Nagini," he answered.

If a snake could squint their eyes, Nagini surely did. "I'm well aware. I have been worried thiss whole time! But I am alsso well aware that humanss don't age that quickly. What have you done?"

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