(Shadow kingdom) A town hidden in a mystical Cave, a stange request

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Despite the shadow kingdom being the literal dark side of magic, it's people have some good morals. They were along side with the light kingdom and it's people after all. The Shadow kingdom focused more on survival, fighting, and other things that shadow user's did for the less trivial of things like cleaning and construction work. Their rules were about as strict as the light kingdom when it came to order and peace.
The shadow kingdom resides in a mystical cave, why is it so special? That's because, there is a special way to enter this dark cave that has a kingdom safely protected. To be allowed entry into the kingdom, the shaman of the shadow kingdom set a magical barrier that only let's those who have who are residents of the kingdom in, the exception to this rule is to be a comrade of the king the rules over, for example, if soldiers, or mage users of other kingdoms try to get in, they will pass through but those like the Warlords of chaos and all evil like them can't get in especially wild and dangerous beasts. Also the barrier acts as a shield that protects all those inside, but if it were to ever break, then the whole barrier would fall apart just from one side having a hole in it. As for fixing the barrier, only those like the shaman and construction mages are skilled enough to keep the barrier intact let alone put a whole new one up, not only that, they have enough dexterity to with stand the pain of using every last ounce of magic they have in their bodies, when it comes to protecting and creating a barrier that can withstand an equivalent of a giant meteorite crashing down from above. Those who cant handle it, have a very bad chance of dieing to the excruciating pain of the after effects. The effects include, body pain, exhaustion, inability to stand, hard breathing and severe coughing [also chance of coughing up blood for those who really can't handle it].

(Ok so now that you know some interesting info and stuff on the kingdom it's now time to move onto the 3 characters who are destined to make their mark in this world as their story unfolds.)

In the shadow kingdom in a popular black Smith shop, 2 guy in their 20s are looking to have their swords forged with their natural element as well as forged with mythical gems that are found in dungeons and or mythical Forests. In the midst of forging the swords is a 17 year old who has a special way of forging swords to make them last for years to come. This boy was happy with his job, but little did he know, his life was about to change, from one strange customer.

Alright, gentlemen, your swords are ready, the boy says with feeling tired. Thank ya son, very appreciated, one of knights say with a happy look. The boy decides to let his dad, who is also his boss, know that he is going to take a break. Hey Dad, can I take a 30 minutes break real quick, I'm start to feel tired. Sure son, you earned it, after all you have been working for several hours now, the dad says with a proud and concerned look. I will have someone cover for you, so why not take the rest of the day off, oh and Keith, why don't you go see how your sister is doing, the father said as he goes and runs the shop. Keith went to see how his sister was doing, his sister was a knight in the shadow kingdom army, who was second in command. Keith would check on his sister every once a week to see how she was holding up, and it was always when she was training the new troops on strategy and on how to hit your enemy where it hurts.
Hey sis, how goes work, Keith said with a smile as well as with a smirk. Keith's sister was as beautiful as a princess who had been blessed with courage and strength. Oh hi Keith, she says with a surprised smile, i thought you were still at work with dad. Oh I was, but I worked some extra hours, got tired and dad let me have the rest of the day off. Nice, well glad to see that we both are hard working and love our jobs, she says with a smile. you know with your muscle strength, you could be an awesome knight that could one day defend and fight for this kingdom you know. Yeah I know but, im more comfortable with making swords rather than fighting with them, Keith says with a awkward laugh. But aren't you worried about the possibility of someone robbing you, Keith's sister says with a hint of concern. That's what have you for sis, your a knight, your job is to protect, serve and such, Keith says with a chuckling smile. But what if I'm not around to protect you, besides our dad would agree on you learning to defend yourself. Alright sis, maybe I will try and learn to fight and protect myself but only if you teach me some move. Deal, I will even do a practice fight with you if that's what you want, Keith's sister say with her hands on her hips. So starting tommorow you will practice self defense for an hour or so at a time each day. Alright, well guess I will see you later then, see ya, Keith says walking back home.

* The next day*

Keith was hard at work in the blacksmith shop. After working for a 2 hours a mysterious man in a black jacket with a hood, appeared requesting for a certain type of sword to be made. So just to clarify, you want me to have sword forged with shadow sphere, so that contains the element of darkness? That kind of Smithing is dangerous, and if your not careful, that kind of power could take control over your body, the host may not survive, even the smither who makes it could end up consumed just by touching the handle, Keith's father argued. Well, then you better be careful making it, the stranger said not caring. Fine, but I'm forging the sword, I'm not letting my son or anyone else handle such a dangerous sword, Keith's father said getting to work on the sword. Keith ended up working the front of the blacksmith shop to write down the requests of those who came by to receive or request a sword to be made. After 2 more hours of working, Keith checks up on his father seeing he is still not done with the sword. Dad, is the sword giving you a hard time? Nah, don't work son, it takes more than this to get tired from working. Alright, well I'm going to go practice fight with sis, I will be back after 3 hours. Ok son, have fun, say hi to your sister for me will ya.

*Keith and his sister spend an hour sparring and train, just so Keith can master the basics of fighting. Keith's preferred weapon we're swords like katana blades and sometimes cleavers, but he can handle daggers  and Lance's very well to the point where he knows his fighting style and where it lies in each weapon he practiced with*

"Not bad Keith, for someone who doesn't like fighting and or using weapons, you sure can use them well". "Well, I guess that talk about protecting myself and such might be the reason I want to do well". "Well I'm glad your doing well, you seem to pick up fast on this. I reckon if you continue training everyday, you could end up becoming stronger than me". "Hey, don't get my hopes up, besides you might not even give a chance for an opening when it gets to that point where we spar for real". "Its suppose to be a confidence boost, just take the compliment and be happy. By the way, how's dad, I heard he is working on sword for someone, he usually doesn't forge that many swords". Well, a strange person wanted a custom sword made with a shadow sphere". "What", Keith sister said shocked, "don't he know, that type of forging is dangerous and practically forbidden"?!
"Well, it dad's call and he accepted the request". "We have to stop dad from forging the sword, he shouldn't be locked up or punished for this".

The same man in the black jacket appears where Keith and his sister are.

"I can't let you do that, it is important that the sword is forged". "Who are you and how did you get into the sparring grounds"?! "I followed your brother in here knowing you two would try and stop your father. As for who I am, well let's just say Im someone who needs that sword forged in order to get stronger". "Well, if your in our way then I guess we have to fight you". "Keith no, your not ready to take anyone on in a fight yet, I will distract him and call the other knights to help me fight this guy". "Ok fine, be careful sis", Keith says running as fast as he could to his father.

The person in the jacket drew his rapier and and clashed with Keith's sister, she sound the alarm for more guards to help her fight this mysterious man. Keith ran to his father who was on the floor passed out. "Dad, are you alright, dad, come on wake up". Keith looks and sees the sword finished, he wrapped the sword in a white cloth so that he was safe from the sword's dark cursed magic and carried his dad to a hospital and kept the sword with him in the cloth. "Come on dad, don't let the sword consume you". Meanwhile back at the sparring grounds, the knights are all fighting the man in the black jacket. Every knight who came up to apprehend him end up cut down. "All I wanted was a sword, and I still end up fighting, can't a guy just live in peace". "Just who are you" Keith's sister said in a shocking awe from the dead bodies on the ground. "Well, since I'm letting you live after being in shock, I will tell you... the name is Dracwyn", (said like drac, like Dracula, and wyn, like win) lifts up hood, "you best remember it well, because the next time we meet you won't be lucky to be alive", he says walking away heading to the black smith shop. "Damn, I need to find Keith before that man does", says trying stand. "Who ever this man is, he surely is stronger than my knights, maybe even stronger than a magic user".

Keith's sister starts her search for her brother trying to make sure to help hide him from this man and protect him. "Don't worry, little bro, I'm on my way"

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