(light kingdom & Shiki) How i got here & Whats the plan

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"so let me get this straight, you're a warlord of chaos, that's just trying to find materials for a magic spell to regrow a new arm for a friend of yours. And he is also a warlord of chaos. I gotta tell you, for one thing, you do not act the part of a warlord of chaos. Look like one, yes, but you sure as hell don't act like it. I've been told that you lot, are a bunch of cold blooded killers. So what, you new on the job, or do you just think differently then they do?"
Shiki looked down at the ground for a moment before she began to speak. "We're not all mindless killers, we all work differently to obtain our goals, even if others don't agree with us." The man Shiki was talking to chuckled a little, he never believed he would be seeing a chaos warlord in jail cell next to his talking to him about how different the other chaos Warlords we're. "I still can't believe you got caught, that's really embarrassing. But hey cheer up, I got a plan to get us put, it's a little cliche, but I've heard it works all the time." Shiki was confused as to why this man was going to help her, most people would be glad that she was behind bars or they would be scared of what she would plan. "You seem like a nice lady, your kind and caring. So I figure I should help you out, not so I can get on your friends's good side, but because your fighting for good intentions even if your on a side that is labeled as evil and working for the devil himself.  Anyways it's going to be a while before a guard shows up, so I say we got time for me to hear the full story of how you got caught, so go ahead, I'm all ears." Shiki sighed for a moment as she began to tell her story.

*** 3 days ago

Did I really just get stuck in this town? Dracwyn is going to is going to lecture me again. Shiki sighed for not being carefully. I hate having to wait, the people investigating, won't tell me when I'm free from suspicion and there isn't much to do since I can't wonder too far from the town. Shiki felt nervous as to what would happen if she was found out. would she be killed on the spot, capture then publicly executed, these questions never left Shiki's mind. The days felt long when she waited around for the ok to leave town.

The only things Shiki was able to do around town was talk with other people, eat food, sit around playing with cards and sleep. Those were considered everyday normal things, which doesn't seem bad, except she did have work like the rest of the town's people, so she couldn't earn any money even though what she had on her was enough to afford rent for 1 week at the inn she was staying at.

"I never asked to be an outcast, or someone who is on the wrong side, or any side of war for that matter. What I wanted, was a good life to live, free to be me and to be like any self respected person. But life handed me a bad hand, and gave me the short end of the stick. But what I do with them, could be what makes the difference. Two things can happen, I could turn my misfortune into a quest to better myself along with Dracwyn, or I die without ever getting the chance to live my life and accomplish the goals I had set out to do. I can say for certain that one of these, if not both, could happen. If somehow, both manage to happen, as a conjoined result, a third option, that is going to be some pretty crappy misfortune that I will have the displeasure of experiencing as I die."

The knights investigated and questioned all the suspects but only 2 people were left, a 15 year old boy and Shiki. Shiki was not a good liar, most of the lies she came up with, made the knights question her more and more. They were confused to what Shiki was saying, she could think up a good cover story without making matters worse. After interrogations we're done Shiki went back to the inn only to be stopped by the teenager who interrogated just like she was. "Some day huh, really puts pressure on your nerves, anyways nice to meet you, the names Darwin." The boy seemed friendly so Shiki decided to continue chatting with him. "Yeah, well I'm just hoping that I'm able to leave town again", the boy became curious "why, got family somewhere, or a job to get back to?" "Yeah, family and a job, I would have left as soon as I could but I was stopped in my tracks", "don't worry about it, I'm sure you will see your family again, if your not found guilty". The boy chuckled a little while Shiki laugh along nervously. "Anyways, Dar-win was it, I got to go pack my things and get ready to leave once I'm able to, see you around." Shiki went back to her room in the inn, she sat down feeling pressured and worried. She tried calming herself by eating some fruit and playing with her deck of cards.

As time passed, Shiki calmed down and waited for the knights to finish their case. Just as she was about to call it a day, someone was knocking on the door to her room. She opened the door and behind it were 3 knights. "Miss, we have a witness report that says you were seen carrying a bottle at night to this very in. We must ask that you show us the bottle." Shiki start losing her cool, "a bottle, what bottle, I wasn't carrying a bottle" the knights could see that she was flustered, so they barged in, and searched through Shiki's belongings. The knights found the holy water, they took Shiki to prison, knowing that Shiki, without a doubt, was the one who stole from the church.


"So that's how I ended up in here, all because I'm a terrible liar and a no good theif." "Don't go beating yourself up about miss, and you're not a no good theif, you're a theif who steals for a good cause." Shiki cracked a smile for once during being locked up, as she had a hard time trying to smile. "I still got to ask, how is it that they don't know you're a warlord of chaos?" "I'm just as surprised as you are, somehow they didn't find out." "You must have some luck missy, because if they had found out who you really were, you would have been publicly executed for sure." Shiki felt relieved but kind of worried, as hearing that sentence, gave her chills up to her spine. "So ready to have my plan work, because once grub times rolls around, we take out the guard and make a run for it." "Are you sure this will work, I just want to be sure." "I'm sure it will work, I'm so sure, that I'm confident enough to assume we will escape this alive." Shiki started to become less worried as the man's confidence was starting to reassure her that things will go as planned. "Oh by the way, I don't think we ever told each other our names." The man scratched his head for a moment "guess not, but anyways, my name is Leon". Shiki told Leon her name with a smile on her face, "Shiki huh, and here I thought you'd have a more menacing name, but I suppose it makes sense. after all you're kind and caring, I can tell you have a good head on your shoulders." Shiki was starting to enjoy her talks with Leon, things were looking up. she waited patiently for lunch time to happen, so that the plan can start coming together.

Foot steps were heard from down the hall, Shiki couldn't see who it was until the person was 9 feet away. "Hello Shiki, nice to see you again" a voice of a teenage boy was heard. "How and why are you here... Darwin?" Darwin had a smirk on his face, as he crossed his arms.

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