(Shiki) Escape

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"what is going on here?" Shiki asked as she was confused at Darwin's smirk that he had on his face. "How did you end up in this prison? Did you plan this? Or are just that bad at your job?" Darwin laughed at Shiki as he said those words. "You're not a normal kid are you? Not with how you speak down to me." Darwin stopped laughing, "oh, that's right, you don't recognize me with this disguise on. Well since the guards aren't around, I will give you a refresher of who I am." Darwin's clothes started to change from casual kid clothes to a black and purple colored jacket and blue pants, the form of a child then turned into a middle aged man with scar over his left eye. "It is I, Hendrix, the battle axe welding chaos warlord." Shiki was surprised to see him, "why do you always have to posture yourself like that?" "I do it to intimidate and scare my foes, Dracwyn would understand, after all he does it too." Shiki sighed as the conversation continued "anyways, Hendrix why are here, last I heard you were heading to the kingdom of inferno." Hendrix starts to explain "let's just say, I've traded places with someone else, so I was sent here to scope out the place and gather info. Hence why I took on the child like form. Now for my question, what happened, how did you end up in prison?" Shiki felt embarrassed but she spoke of the events that happened in town. "Wow, bad luck... Well anyways your free now." *Hendrix says as he slashes the metal bars of the cell* "thanks, I was hoping to do this without harming anyone though." "Shiki, I know you don't like senseless violence and blood shed, but just because one person or two accepts you for who you are, doesn't mean everyone else will. It's a sad world we live in but we can make it better our way." Shiki looked down for a moment, Leon walked up to Shiki to comfort her. "I managed to get your belongings on the way here, make sure you get back to Dracwyn, and tell him that I will see him soon." Hendrix started walking torwards the exit when a couple of guards saw him, Shiki and Leon. "Go on get out of here Shiki, I will create a diversion and hold them off." Hendrix slashed through the guards with his axe creating a path for Shiki and Leon to escape. "Alright you chumps, bring it on, I can take a whole lotta ya" Shiki heard Hendrix voice as she ran without looking back, Leon and Shiki ran out of the town and into the forest. Hendrix fought, making sure no one went after Shiki and Leon.

After a few minutes of running Shiki and Leon stopped running to catch their breaths. "I think we're safe for the time being, but just to be safe, lets make sure we're even further away" Leon said cautiously. Shiki nodded her head in agreement as they continued to run. "So Leon, what do you plan on doing now that you're out of jail?" Leon thought for a moment, "well hard to say, I've been in that place for 2 years, had no one to talk to but the guards, and they aren't the talking type. Maybe for now I will travel with you until I can find a place to stay and live my life." Shiki smiled at his response "I hope you don't get caught up in the war, would be sad if I couldn't find some way to protect you." "I don't need any special protect, if I die, it will be on the account of my bad luck and me being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Besides, I won't go down without a fight anyways", Leon smiled as he responded back.

Back at the kingdom of Light

Hendrix was still Fighting, he managed to buy enough time as he needed to. As he fought, he looked for an opening to run away to safety. Before he could run away the Holy mages joined the fight healing the wounds of those injured in battle as well as casting spells to enhance the strength of the Knights and guards. Hendrix was starting to get tired from the battle, and couldn't fight off the knights. "I hoping to end this without magic but I guess I have no choice" Hendrix started to cast a spell that would cause an earthquake to shake and knock everyone off balance. Hendrix Ran as fast as he could into the forest and hid amongst the tree's and bushes. The search for Hendrix lasted for a few hours but the search was given up. When the coast was clear, Hendrix sat down in a cave hidden behind some thick vines. Hendrix had a lot if cuts around his body, he laid down resting. "Damn, that could have gone better, but at least Shiki is safe." Hendrix was not in good same to move around a lot. "I better be twice as careful now, security will be buffed up now. I may need a new disguise, maybe an old man would be a better fit. No one would suspect the elderly. My mission is far from complete, and I'm slowly falling behind schedule. Well as long as I can still get the job done I suppose the boss won't mind too much of how long it takes for me to finish up." Hendrix started to rest up his body to let it heal, he had nothing to stop the bleeding, so he decided to just sleep to save him the trouble of dealing with passing out.

Shiki and Leon stopped and rested again. "This should be far enough, we can rest up properly now" Leon said as he was breathing a little heavy. "So where is your friend at, is he far from here?" Leon asked curiously. "Right now he is stay at a witch's house, she was kind enough to help us out." Shiki said. "Is her name by any chance, Lea?" Leon asked. "Actually yes, that's her name, how'd you guess, have you met her before?" Shiki asked. "I've ran into her before, she once helped me out when I was ill on her door step, It a bit of a long story." "Well we got time to walk and talk, so I don't mind you telling me it." Shiki said to Leon smiling. "Alright I guess I could tell you the story, it will probably make the walk end quicker by the time it's done." Leon said as he took a deep breath and got ready to tell his story.

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