A Soldier and his Daughter part 1

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It all started back when the war against the demon king was taking place. At the time I was a soldier fighting against the monsters commanded by the demon king himself. It was hard fought battle, thousands upon thousands died protecting their homes, their families and the future generation. I prayed to the gods that I would see my family again as I fought to stay alive and protect everyone. The war lasted for several months, but it was all over thanks to the Kings and the sages. Everyone of us felt blessed, but at the same time we still had tears for those who didn't make it out alive. Some of us feared for what would happen if the seal were to ever be broken. All I had in my mind was to see my family, I ran to check on them as soon as I was able to. What I had wished to find was that they were still alive and well, but instead all I found was my wife tore apart and my daughter missing. I asked around but no one had seen my daughter or even knew what had happened to her. Most believed she was dead, I kept hope knowing that she was out there alone, scared and confused. I started to lose hope, after each passing day, my comrades tried cheering me up with booze, but it could never take away the pain of losing my loved ones.

After a month or two had went by, I was told there was a woman that could help find my daughter, I decide to take any chance I could get when it came to looking for my daughter. I had set out to find this woman, following the direction that I was pointing into. I was in a hurry to the point that I didn't care what was in my way, which turned out to be trouble on my part. What I'd hoped to be a shortcut, turned out to be a pit filled with poisonous snakes, that I fell into. I fought my way through trying to break free from multiple snakes, but by the time I had, I was already bit numerous times. Sucking out the poison didn't help much in the slightest, I was bit in a few places, some where I couldn't reach, like my shoulders and the back of my legs. I slowly began feeling sick, I had no antidote and by the time I had reached the witches house, I had fell unconscious.

I almost thought that I was done for, I had only the regret of not finding my daughter in my mind. But to my surprise I was alive, I woke up in a living room under the cover of a nice warm blanket. I looked around a little, trying to learn a little about who this witch was exactly. From what I could tell, nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. Some time passed by as I looked around, and only then was the witch just now deciding to show up. I thanked her for curing me of the poison, then I proceeded to ask her if she could help me find my daughter. I was asked to give anything that could help with any leads, specifically a necklace, ring, or bracelet. My daughter wasn't much for jewelry, but she did wear a necklace. It had a star on it, she wanted it the moment she saw it, so my wife and I decided to get it for her birthday, which at the time was 2 months away. Anyways, I had the necklace on me, since I found it back at the scene where my wife was killed. Anyways, Lea was able to track my daughter down, by using a ritual involving spirits. This ritual let spirits talk directly to me, by possessing Lea's for a short time. I was told that my daughter was seen with a man in a black coat carrying her into the forest.  According to the spirits, this man possessed 3 different types of elemental magic. Fire, Lightning and Darkness, which he had used to protect my daughter from harm. One spirit said something about where this man might live. The man was said to have lived in a village of thieves, I started to worry about the effect this could have on my daughter, so I grabbed my things and started heading for the door, but Lea stopped me. She told me that I was still recovering from all the poison, despite knowing that, I wanted to head out anyways. My daughter was still alive, and I needed to rush over to her, so I could take her home and protect her. I already failed at keeping my wife safe when I should have done better, I didn't want my daughter to die too, she doesn't deserve that kind of fate. Lea convinced me that this man would no doubt keep my daughter safe while I recovered. Lea gave me some medicine to help with getting the rest of what ever was left of the snake venom out of my body. With nothing to do but wait I decided to ask some questions. I asked her where she learned all these spells and why is it that she lives out in the forest. She used to go to school at the holy kingdom, she studied the art of healing and self defense. She wasn't much of a fighter, she preferred to devote her time helping the injured and ill, That isn't to say that she couldn't protect herself. As for why she lives in the forest, it's because she was casted out. She didn't agree with the ways of how criminals we're punished, when they did something so understandably bad, but didn't get a second chance to make amends, or to correct the wrongs that which they had done. What she was able to do, was walk away from it all and go into hiding. Safe to say she doesn't regret her decision in the slightest, despite the rumors spread around why she abandoned in the first place by those who she thought were her friends.

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