Chapter 1

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There was a dark house, the same one as before. I'm standing there, shaking. Then there's me, Beth and Dan. We are standing in a dark room full of old and dusty furniture. But then, NO! I'm falling, falling into nothing and then.........

I woke with a start. I was uncontrollably shaking whilst catching my breath. I can't take this anymore. I need to tell someone. I then decided that I would tell everyone later when we met up. I hope they take it seriously. I mean, they are my friends after all, aren't they?

"Don't be so stupid!" Catherine said falling about with laughter.

"Why are you laughing? Don't you believe me?" I asked getting a bit annoyed.

"Of course we don't, who do you think we are?" Beth and Catherine chorused together laughing.

We were all at the park, hanging out. We, as in me, Beth, Catherine, Kara, Niall, Dan and Justin. I am the only one without a boyfriend but I don't mind as I'm not really into that.

I was telling them that all about the weird visions I've been getting. I have been getting them ever since I was little, I don't understand why I get them but I do. If you are wondering what they are like well, they are like migraines but they hurt so much more. I really don't know why they don't believe me.

"So..." Beth said changing the subject and breaking the awkward silence. "I've got the best idea for my birthday!" She went on.

"What?" Catherine replied.

"Well, you know when we were walking past them houses the other day I noticed that one of them was disserted. So Niall and I went back there and had a look, I then thought it would be a great place for a sleepover and was thinking about having one there for my birthday on Saturday?" Beth explained.

"But...." Kara started "That's breaking in! I mean, we can't do that!" She said, very unsure about the idea.

"Oh come on Kara, don't be chicken!" Said Catherine intervening.

"I'm not being chicken! I just don't think it's a good idea, I mean, what if we get caught what then? We don't even know if anyone owns the house?" Kara said frantically.

"Look Kara, if it's abandoned that means no one owns the house. Anyway, it's Beth's birthday and she can do whatever she wants whether we like it or not!" Catherine said getting a bit annoyed at Kara as she really liked the idea.

"Ok fine! Whatever! Just don't blame me if we get caught!" Kara said, annoyed as Catherine had a go at her.

"So... Are we all up for it? I was thinking that we go on Saturday?" Beth asked finally making a disision .

"WAIT? What house are you talking about?" I said, getting slightly worried.

"I just explained what house, weren't you listening?" Beth said a little annoyed as she thought I wasn't listening when, I clearly was!

"Then why ask?" Catherine had now jumped into the conversation which she usually does if she doesn't like the sound of something.

"I don't think it's very safe." I replied.

"How could you possibly know, Niall and Beth were the ones who checked it out, how could you possibly know?" Catherine asked now sounding mean.

"Catherine!" Kara snapped at her.

"No! It's okay, erm..." I started but stopped, I couldn't get the right words to come out.

"Erm..... What?" Catherine said now getting angry.

"Visions?" I finally said wondering what the reaction would be like on the others.

"OH GOD! Do you really think we would believe in that CRAP?" Catherine snapped at me. I could now tell by the looks on their faces what they were all thinking.

"Catherine, I think that's enough now." Dan said, joining in, as he knew she would listen to him.

"NO!" Catherine shouted back now standing up with Dan trying to hold her back.

"LOOK! I don't give a CRAP about these visions, I seriously doubt they're even true!" Catherine said getting even angrier. I really thought that she would be one of the ones that understood and believed me, but I've obviously guessed wrong.

"Come on Catherine! I think it's time we left." Dan said trying to calm Catherine down as she wont stop until she has brought her point across. That's Catherine for you!

"FINE! Beth I'll text you later and I'm definately coming on Saturday." Catherine finally said. Dan then gave Catherine a kiss to shut her up, which she did.

"Bye guys, I'll text you!" Then Dan and Catherine walked off, holding hands and laughing.

Kara came over and sat next to me as I was sitting in between Catherine and Beth but now Catherine has left it was just Beth. 

"Look, don't worry about Catherine. I don't know if these visions are true myself but I do believe you!" She said, trying to reassure me but I could tell she was unsure about the idea too.

"I'm sorry to interupt guys, but Kara we really need to leave." Justin said, interupting but obviously not meaning to.

"Okay, sorry Tori we have to go, see you later." Kara said.

"Okay, bye." I replied as I watched Kara and Justin get up from the bench and leave. Kara waved goodbye.

Now there was only me, Beth and Niall left. Beth and I chatted for a while. She told me that she believed me, I knew she was unsure about it but at least she told me. She also told me that she still wanted to have the sleepover at that place, I told her it was fine and that I would go as she is my best friend. Well, at least I warned them all, right?

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