Chapter 4

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"Tillie?" Dan stared at the dark silhouette in the middle of the room, unsure about who it is."Tillie!" He asked again, slowly edging towards who ever it is.

"Dan!" "Dan?" The dark shaded figure cried running up and hugging him. He pulled her away slowly saying

"What are you doing here?" He asked her, looking angry yet slightly relieved. At the time I didn't quite know what to make of this. Maybe, she's the one from my latest vision, the silhouette. But then if that's true, then what about Catherine? I can't let this happen there not real! It's just my stupid imagination. Although, this is getting a little freaky.

"Who's that?" Kara questioned him, still a little shaky. He ignored her and kept his gaze on Tillie. "Who is she?" She asked again, getting a little irritated. I don't blame her after everything that's happened here.

"It doesn't matter. She's just leaving." He replayed, his eyes full of rage and sorrow.

"What! I've only just got here and there's so much I need to tell you!" She cried back at him. He then pointed to an open room and led her inside. Soon after that he shut the doors. We were all left speechless.

"Who is that?" Kara was now questioning me.

"Tillie. She's Dan's ex."

"What!" I think even Kara's having trouble dealing with Tillie. "Well what about Catherine is he getting back with Tillie now? Has he dumped Catherine? And your all forgetting poor Justin still alone and lost!" She was close to tears, yet again. I couldn't take anymore.

"Look Kara! As far as I know Dan's still with Catherine they just had one little argument, I know she's still missing, I don't know what Tillie's doing here but whatever it is it can't be good and I know your missing Justin but right now he's not the only problem!" I shouted. Everyone looked shocked at my sudden outburst. Kara didn't say anything else.

"So, what are we going to do?" Beth asked us all. No one had time to answer as it was then that we all heard the sound of fast approaching footsteps. They seemed to be leading to where Dan and Tillie are.

"It's heading inside there. Come on." I urged everyone else.

"No! No way! I'm not being taken as well."

"Fine! I'll go on my own!" I shouted, making my way towards the door. I was just about to open the door when I heard Niall shouting.

"Wait! I'll come with you, you shouldn't go alone." And came towards me.  

"Ok." Then we opened the doors and saw Dan and Tillie together in the middle of the room. It was then that the doors opposite flew open to reveal a very relieved Catherine.

"Catherine!" I shouted. I was about to go and hug her, but Niall held me back, and I knew why. It was at that moment when Catherine came in the room to see Dan and Tillie kiss. Her eyes suddenly full of anger and betrayal, Catherine turned round and ran.

"Catherine wait!" Shouted Dan as he ran after her. We all decided to run after them, as we both knew what she was like when she was angry. We noticed that they were in the room with Beth and Kara, we knew this as we heard Catherine shouting.

We walked to find Catherine close up to Dan with her fists clenched together.

"WHAT'S SHE DOING HERE?" She shouted, not taking her gaze away from Dan.

"I DON'T KNOW! Alright. She only came to make sure we were OK in this house."

"Well how did she even know about us coming here?"

"Um, well, earlier she found me and asked whether I wanted to go out with her later." Catherine's face suddenly turned to a whole new level of anger. "But... I said NO! And then she asked why so I said we were coming here." By now Catherine had tears falling down her face as well as being angry.

"DON'T TELL ME LIES!" She shouted back at Dan.

"I'M NOT LIE ING, WHY WON'T YOU BELIEVE ME?" He replied now getting angry, this is the first argument they had ever had and we could all tell that this wasn't going to go down very well,

" WHY? I'LL TELL YOU WHY? BECAUSE I SAW YOU KISSING THAT FAKE BITCH!" She replied by pointing to Tillie who was standing at the door smirking. Tell you now she really is a bitch.

" DON'T TALK TO HER LIKE THAT!" Dan yelled back at Catherine.

" FINE! I'll make this easy for you. We're over!" She said now calming down as she had stopped crying, we just stared at her in shock, I mean, she loves Dan and now breaking up with him, I know what he did was wrong but we haven't heard his side of the story yet.

" Wait... What?" Dan replied, who had shocked, hurt and confused emotions in his eyes.

" You heard!" Catherine snapped back but this time looking towards the ground.

" Catherine...." Dan tried to talk to her but Catherine wasn't having any of it.

" Forget it. I never want to talk to you again." She replied now with tears down her face again, with that comment the lights came on back to normal, I looked to the door where Tillie was standing and she was gone. I then looked to where Catherine and Dan were standing and immediately felt bad for them both, they both love each other and we all saw that but after what Dan did I don't think Catherine will ever forgive him again...

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