Hunted down

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McGee looked over at Torres computer."What are you looking for?"He asked."An apartment."Torres."I have a huge house that you can stay at.You'll love it.I hope you enjoy kids.You can stay however long you want."Kayla said.Torres nodded."Question.How long was you in NCIS?"Gibbs asked."Since 2010."Kayla said."Even when Vance was asking?"Gibbs asked."That's before he knew."She said.Over time,Torres moved into Kayla's house.Six months later,she received a call about a case..She went to the white house.Once she was cleared to go in,she went into the office and received the file.She gather a team,her team.She looked over the file as they flew to Iraq.They went to all the crime scenes and did their jobs.She noticed her previous team that was assign to another team or had been retired or taking a break.She frowned a bit then heard her phone rang.Gibbs asked if she knew a few of her teams."Of course.Right now I'm in Iraq and will be coming home along with some bodies for Ducky."She said then hanged up.When they rounded up the evidence and the bodies,she called Gibbs and let him know she's on her way there.When they landed,she got off."Before I sign the evidences over,we must talk to the President."She said.Gibbs nodded with a smile."Alright."He said."Wait the President?"Torres asked."Yeah.This is classified case."Kayla said."Who are these people?"Alex asked."This my team.They do not call me boss for a reason."Kayla asked."Why?"Jimmy asked."Ssob is spell backward to boss."Kayla said with a smirk.Gibbs smiled and chuckled."Oh um.Your brother is town.He said that he missed his plane that tide with your cases."Gibbs said"Oh yeah,he supposed to be on my team now."Kayla said as she knew there's a mole in her team but didn't want to tell the team just yet."When do we have to see the President?"Alex asked."Sooner the better I hope."Gibbs said."That's the idea.Sooner the better."Kayla said.She got into the car as the rest of them did."Is this explains rule 91?"Torres asked."Yes."Kayla said.When they arrived to the white house and went into the office,Kayla seen Riley Black.She wanted to punch him the throat but she kept it professional."Is good to see you,Kay."Riley said."Do you know?"Gibbs asked."Yes,on a personal business."Kayla said."I wasn't expect you ever so soon."President said.Kayla nodded."I'm guessing you got an update which is evolve them?"President asked."Yes,sir."Kayla said."Give them all the information they need and I will that you are in control."President said as he made sure of it and sign them in on the file."Yes,sir."Kayla said."Also,Riley McMahon will be working with you."President said."Yes,sir."Kayla said then the team left.She made sure she left pissed without the president seeing it.Riley quickly grabbed her arm.She managed place him on the ground."When I said I have people backing me.I wasn't kidding,specially when tried to kill me the last time."Kayla said."Holy damn.I do not want to piss her off."Torres said then help Riley up when Kayla got off of him.She sign the evidence over to them then checked Riley emails and messages and calls and recognized a number when she got the office."Kay,we need to talk."Gibbs said.She sighed and gather her stuff then went into the elevator with him.He turn it off."What the hell?"He asked."He was an ex and nearly kill me and I have mole on my team that leaking information to the killer."She said then hand him the information.

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