Mrs. Jones

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The sun shines down on her skin, a smile on her face as she takes in the moment. Today's the day, the day that's supposedly the most important day in a girls life. Her wedding day. 

She remember's Veronica and Cheryl being so excited for the wedding planning. Jughead just came along for the ride, and the cake tasting. The day she found her dress, she was with Veronica. She was so nervous, her hands clamming up. She didn't know why she was so nervous just to pick out a dress, maybe it was because all of the pressure of everyone wanting the whole event to be perfect. 

But today, the actual day she was going to marry the one and only Jughead Jones, she was ecstatic. The nerves were definitely still there, but they were hiding. Her only thought was that she was a couple of hours a way of finally being Betty Jones. 

Cheryl made sure that Jughead didn't see her at all in the past 24 hours. Making Betty stay over at her's and Veronica's place. 

"Hey B..come on makeup time," she heard Veronica practically squealing from inside the venue. She left the balcony. The place that they had rented out for the day was gorgeous. The grass bright green and cut perfectly. Flowers bloomed all around in the beautiful gardens below. Willow trees blowing in the wind, and the whole ceremony set up for the day. White seats, and golden decorations. She knew she couldn't afford it, but Cheryl practically begged to pay. They had definitely grown closer over the years. 

"Make me perfect," Betty smiles sarcastically walking into the now crowded room of bridesmaids and makeup artists. 


The piano plays in the background, playing a beautiful harmony as Bridesmaids and Groomsmen walk arm and arm down the long pathway. Jughead already at the end, a smile on his face. For the first time at an event, not wearing his beanie. His black hair in waves, neatly combed back on his head. 

Then finally there she was, her golden hair in curls. A veil tucked into the back of her hair, flowing down her back along with her dress. Silky white material hugged her curves, The dress following behind her like a tail. Her eyes shinning bright, and her lips painted red. Her mouth formed in a huge smile as she took in Jughead. 

Tears already started to form in her eyes, this was really happening? She thought to herself. 

Hal Cooper, gave Betty over to Jughead. Her hand meeting his as they walked over under the arch. She about lost it then and there as she looked around in amazement. 

The ceremony was beautiful, her eyes never leaving Jughead's as the priest made them recite the lines. She sniffled a few times, laughing it off as she cried. Jughead's eyes doing the same. 

When it came time to their vows, Jughead was first. 

"Elizabeth Copper...I have loved you since I was a kid. I remember I was always mesmerized by your eyes and smile, and beautiful golden hair. I loved the fact that even when you were upset, you always managed to make the people around you so happy. You have the kindest heart, and caring soul. And, I promise that the way I thought of you as a kid is the way I will always think of you, because not a day goes by where those thoughts don't enter my mind as I look at you. I promise to be the person you can always fall back on in your toughest days. And I promise that no matter how hard life gets, you will always be able to talk to me and I'll always be able to talk to you, because that's how insanely in love with you that I am, and will always be," Jughead exclaimed, tears beginning to fall down his cheeks as he declared his love for the only girl he'll ever love. 

Betty laughed at his words in happiness, her own tears sliding down past her cheeks more than likely leaving mascara streaks on her skin. 

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones, I was such a naive girl growing up, even when you were the person I'd fall back on when I was hurt by my silly crush on our best friend I never realized till later on how you were the one I really cared about. Because you were the one who was always there for me, and you were the one at the end of the day to tell me how beautiful I was and how lucky any guy would be to have me be theirs. Now that I think back on it, I've always counted on you. I promise that you'll always be the person I go to. Because you're the only person I want to comfort me on a bad day. Because you're the only person's arms I want around me and the only kiss I want to tell me how much you love me. I promise to be that for you, when you need it. Because even though you were the one to comfort me, from here on out I'll try my very best to be the same. Because even though I used to be that naive little girl, I'm now very much aware at how much I'm in love with you and how much I'll always be in love with you. Because you Jughead Jones are my entire world," Betty was trying her hardest not to bawl her eyes out. Her nose sniffling every couple of seconds as she noticed Jughead's face. His skin with streaks of wetness, his eyes brighter than ever. The mystery behind them still there in their beautiful glory of blue, green, and gray. His smile only continuing to grow as they continue to stare into one another's eyes. 

It felt like hours but finally when the words leave the priests mouth," I now pronounce you husband and may kiss the bride," It didn't take a second before She was in Jughead's arms. Their lips connecting into a long kiss. His arms encircling around her waist, pulling her to his chest. Cheers of happiness heard behind them, but they didn't care about anything other than each other in the moment. Because finally they were both one. 





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