Bad kisser - Xiumin ( part 1)

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When you are alone,suddenly you recalled about ' how can you meet your baby face boyfriend

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When you are alone,suddenly you recalled about ' how can you meet your baby face boyfriend.' 

*Flashback *

 "  kringggg !!! kring !!! kring !!! " the ring bell in school is ringing as announcement that school time is finish. There is one boy that you really like it but he does not know that you like him. He always in library after school time ,the different between you and him. He comes to study ,you comes to play WI-FI and watch K-drama in the library.Sometimes,you will looks at him and you find him that he is cute and hot at the same time.

You really looks at him and he notices you,he just smiles to you . However, your heartbeat feels faster than usual. You also feels that your face so hot. " WHAT IS THIS MEAN ,( Y/N )?" You quickly out from there,more longer you stay ,more hotter you feels.

* Abt  3 months *

As usual,you will go to library after school. Suddenly,a cute boy grab your hand from the shelf book and it makes you startle. " OMMA !!! " you scream loudly  but he put his finger on your lip plus he do a sign to be quiet. He talk with you like whisper ,so you have to go closer to him .He says " ermm..may I know you or we can talk at coffee cafe? it's ok,my treat.*wink *.

*In a coffee cafe *

Your first talk is " WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABT ME ? " He sigh.  " I know you like me ,right (Y/N) ? " You speechless ..He knows that you like him. So,you don't want look nervous in front of him,you drink some coffee but you wrongly take his coffee.He giggle look at you plus his coffee is bitter. You feels mad but he is so gentleman and give a tissue to you.Suddenly,he give his phone to you,his Iphone 7+. You make a blur face to him and he says " your number phone or ID SNS or everything." Your respond too simple while take his phone from his hand and he just see what you do.He just dumbfound when you just take his phone like swag. ( ^-^ )

You were doing your homework,suddenly you have a messages from unknown number. Then,you open it and you see it was xiumin. You text him and you ask him,what he want .But,he just says nothing and said he want to disturb your life.( WTH ) You roll your you mock him (hahahaha) After a few minutes,he calls you .Your ringtone makes you shock ( calm down ,it's just a ringtone..sis )So,you pick it up .

" Hello, (y/n ) .What are you doing ?" - xiumin

" Oh...hello xiumin,I'm doing my homework but it's already finish.Why?"- you

" Ermmm...I just want to says good night to you and sleep tight.ok,bye !" - xiumin

" Ahhhh....good night too and see you at school tomorrow,bye ."- you

It was your first time  on the phone ( OTP ) with him. It was very awkward  but it's cute.He makes your heart pounds very fast after speaked  with him on the phone.You can feel your face is burning . Before sleeping,you think about him and how to meet him or what to do if he says hi to you. That night,you can't sleep because feel nervous if they meet each other.However,they always chat in the Kakaotalk.So,it must be shy or feels dumb what to say to each other.

* At school *

In recess time,you walk with your friend in hall of your school because it was a short cut way to go to cafe.Suddenly, you bump with him and you says sorry to him but that time,you don't see his face yet . " Are you ok, ( y/n )? " he says. Then, you realises it was him.How shocked of you. After that, he invites you and your friend to go together with him because he's just got back from the library.He is a worm book and sometimes,he will read online from his smartphone.How much that he love into reading.When at the table, you sit in front of him . He give you a smile and he give you a cute bun to you. " why you give this bun to me and it is yours,right ?"- you says. He take the bun from your tray and put in your mouth. "Just eat and don't talk too much." You nod and the taste is so delicious.You talks again ," who makes this,so yummy !!!" He tell you with arrogant and says that he do it by himself,you also boast that you can make better than him. He stand up and touch your head and smile,pass your side like that.

* In One night *

Xiumin text you when you about to sleep

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Xiumin text you when you about to sleep. " Aishhh ~~~ who disturb me when I want to sleep  !"-you. Then ,you go to your table and find it ."xiumin !!! "-you soundly shock.

" Hi,Do I disturb your sleeping ? if I'm disturb you,i'm very sorry.Maybe next time,I will chat you."- xiumin

" Hi too,no,you don't disturb me anyway.Just tell me ,ok because I can't sleep.''-you

" I want to tell you about  this ?"- xiumin

"Just tell me and please don't make it suspend." -you

"Actually, I like you when first time you step in our library's school . I'm also know that you are popular in our school. So,I keep watching you from far away but I'm feel proud of you because you come to library ,however,you just come to play WIFI at the library.I hope you will accept my propose to make you as my girlfriend. If you reject me,i'm ok. " -xiumin

'' For your information,I'm also like you . First time ,I enter this school. You are the first person that I want to get know first but many my friends says that you  are gay and you don't like to talk with girl. "- you

" WHATTTTT !!!! I'M GAY....HAHAHAHA.THAT'S SO FUNNY. No,that's not right.why i don't like to speak with girl because I want to find the best girl in my life and i found it . It was you,babe."- xiumin

" we are couple right now?"- you

" yepppp....officially couple and you should call me 'baby ' and I will call you ' baozi '."- xiumin

" why 'baozi '??- you

" Remember ,the bun actually it has a name and it's name is baozi because it was so soft and fluffy like you." - xiumin

"ohhh..ok,baby ..Now i'm know why you call that name...hehehehe"- you

" ok...baozi,let's sleep .Tomorrow is school and I don't want you to wake up late . So,good night baozi." - xiumin

" Good night too,my baby "- you

That 's the best night ever that you have because before this,he just your crush and now,he become your boyfriend.At night,you sleep with happily.


P/S ; I will post part 2 as soon as possible.SORRY FOR TYPO IF HAVE.

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