Chp. 2: Dreams to Strange

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The building we were in was a few flights tall. He had led me up to the top floor. He opened a door to a loft style area. He let me through the door and came in behind me. I absentmindedly walked around.

"What do you think?" Cat's voice pulled me out of my trance. I turned to see him sitting on the counter top.

"It's neat. A lot cleaner than I figured. " He playfully glared at me.


"What? That's a good thing! My apartment is no where near this clean." I said before I thought it through. "Wow." I shook my head. I looked around and noticed a pictures scattered around the living room. One caught my attention. I walked over to it and picked it up. It was a picture of all four of the guys sitting on tall chairs with shining silver robes on. I felt Cat come up behind me.

"What is it?" He was looking over my shoulder .

"Where was this?" I moved the picture to his view. 

"Oh. That was at Magic Mountain theme park. We had a  3 night show there, helping the park gain popularity." He explained. "We were by the pool the morning after the first concert." There was something in his voice saying that something had happened there but I didn't ask. I set the picture back in it's place.

"That had to be nice."

"For a good portion of it, it was." He said in the same tone. I was distracted by a light. I turned in the direction to see a set of curtains. I walked over and opened them to see a balcony. I smiled and turned my head toward him.

"I didn't see this outside." He was leaning against the back of the couch.

"You can go out on it if you want." Without hesitation, I did. You could see a good portion of the of the park but not everything. I sighed. It was very peaceful up here. I heard Cat talking inside but there was another voice as well. "Jewels?" I turned to him. "I have to go with the guys to do some band stuff. Will you be alright here?"

"Yeah I'll be fine, go ahead." I told him.

"Okay. Shaggy and Scooby are still downstairs playing video games."


"Okay. We shouldn't be too long." He looked at me for a minute before turning on his high heel, and walking away. There was a chair sitting next to the railing. I sat down and relaxed.

The sun as warm and relaxing. As I was lounging and day dreaming, I drifted off to sleep. I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep until I was woken up by someone picking me up. I opened my eyes only a little to see it was getting dark. I also saw a paw print necklace. Catman. I closed my eyes again and moved my head farther into his chest and moved my hand to his shoulder. He paused from walking. He started again and set me on something soft. 

"Jewelie?" His hand brushed across my forehead and moved hair. I felt my shoes being taken off. A blanket was placed over me. I was falling back asleep when I felt him kiss my forehead. "Goodnight."


I was sitting in the sand of the beach from my old home town. The water was just a few feet in front of me.

"Jewelie!" I heard someone calling my name. I caught sight of the gang out in the water a ways, waving.  I waved back. Familiar laughter sounded  behind. I turned to see a parasail  and the guys of KISS. Catman looked my way and winked. I could feel myself smiling and he smiled back. 

"Come on Jewels! Come in the water!" I heard Daphne call out. Without a second thought I got up and ran toward the water. As I was wading, I noticed something glowing at my feet. I reached in and grabbed it. It turned out to be an orange necklace with strange writing on it. As I looked back to the water, I saw a reflection of an unfamiliar woman. 

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