Ch. 12: Vortex

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"It's fairly simple. It is the Amulet of Amplify." My father said. I looked at the others. The guys had had looks of 'oh crap' and 'not good' on their faces while Shag and Scoob had the same confused look on my face.

"Okay. They seem to know what that is but..." I started while holding up the necklace. "For those of us who are not savvy in KISSterian lore...what is that?" He smiled at me.

"The Amulet of Amplify takes a person's powers and amplifies them. Makes them stronger." He explained. I looked down at it and noticed a glow.

"So this is why the different powers came along? The flying without bending air? The glow?" I looked at Cat. He nodded and held me close.

"It's helping you learn your full powers." I noticed my dad's gaze travel between the two of us but said nothing.

"Why did you guys not recognize this?"

"The looks of the Amulet are never described in total." Spaceman answered. "It has also been missing for centuries."

"It has been passed down secretly in our family for that time. The Elder actually knew of this and approved of it. It was for protection." He motioned with his hands toward the Ferris wheel. "Since I had been at odds with Hathor for so long, I decided to hide it with access to it allowed by only one person. Jewelie."

"If Jewels never had come to know her powers or this world than the Amulet would never have been." Star concluded.

"Exactly." My dad smirked. "But I was hoping that one day you would so I could be with my daughter again." I smiled and wiped a tear from my eye.

"Not to interrupt, but it might be best to take this somewhere else." Demon stated. We all agreed and decided to go to the backstage/security areas.

"What begs the question though is why does Hathor crave the Amulet so bad? If it strengthens powers then what can she do with it? Make her mimicking more precise?"

"Yes and no. Her powers will become more precise and pristine. It will also amplify her power to the point where she can do more than mimic powers. She can steal them." Everyone went silent. My nerves skyrocketed, in turn causing my powers to flare. The wind whipped around us, causing everyone to look at me.

"Actually steal or copy and keep?" I asked.

"Not sure. Since it's never been successfully done. The permanently outcome is not known." They continued to walk and talk while I stayed silent. I glanced down at the necklace and the reality of the situation weighed on me. My pace slowed and I fell out of Peter's hold. He looked at me in understanding and let me go.

"I'm here if you need me." He told me. I nodded and fell behind everyone but Shag and Scoob. I could hear them talking and joking behind me which made me smile slightly. The stage area had just came into sight when a faint whirling sound came from behind me. I stopped and turned to see a vortex portal opening behind the two footballs.

"Shaggy! Scooby!" I heard the others stop and turn. I bolted toward the two. They looked at me in shock as I pushed them out of the way. They landed a few feet away and I landed just in front. I felt myself being pulled into the vortex. Before I could react, I was in and through the portal. In the last moment I saw Starchild jump after me.

"Jewels." I faintly heard through the roar of the vortex. In an instant, I was out of the portal stream and falling through the air. I screamed when I realized how close to the ground I already was. "Jewelie!" I was able to turn and see Star just before he caught me. I clung to him as he tried to stop us in midair but the momentum from the portal and fall was to great.

"We're not going to stop in time!" I yelled over the wind. As we got to close to the ground for comfort, I flung my air out in a circular motion. Just before we hit the solid earth, we we're stopped hard by gushing winds surrounding us.

"Quick thinking." Star said out of breath. I let us down gently. I sat tense on the ground, with me head in my knees. I could feel a panic attack in the verge of breaking through. "Jewelie, are you hurt?" I shook my head. "Are you okay?" I shook my head again.

"I am sick and tired of this chick." I said through my teeth. I looked up at him, noticing he was already back on his feet. "If she is a mimicker, where did she get the actual power to create a portal?"

"I'm not sure." He held out his hand. I took it and he hoisted me to my feet. He reached up and wiped tears away.

"Thank you. For saving me." I looked to the sky and cringed a little. "The others didn't make it through."

"No they didn't." He moved to look around. We were on some rock face. He flew up to a higher ledge to look over.

"Where are we?"

"The back lands. Far beyond the mountain of the Destroyer."

"Like how far is far?" He turned to look down on me before jumping down.

"Judging by the view and lack of any life, I would say about a hundred miles or so." I groaned and slid down a rock back to the ground.

"So it will take forever to get anywhere. Nice." He hummed in agreement.

"At least on a good note, I saw an oasis just about a mile away where we can rest."

"Okay. Well then let's go." I jumped to my feet. "Are we flying or walking?"

"Flying." He flung me until his back and took off. I started laughing at him and held on as we made way to the oasis.

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