Ch. 13: Disappeared, Truths, & Powers

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Peter's POV

"Zoinks! What was that?" Shaggy yelled. He up off the ground slowly. Scooby sniffed around where the portal was. "Where's Jewels?"

"And Starchild."

"That was portal." Spaceman said. The others were all looking around searching for any indication of Hathor. Spaceman walked over and examined the ground and the surrounding area. "I guessing it was linked to KISSteria...or at least I hope it was."

"How though? Hathor doesn't have the power to create portals and a mimic wouldn't create a real one." Demon grumbled. You could nearly see smoke come out of his mouth with irritation.

"But that still doesn't answer our question of where they are at! They're missing and we don't know where. Oh-ohhh." Shag started to freak out. Him and Scooby went and hid behind a trash can. "Which also means that Hathor had to be close enough to do that."

"Who's Hathor?" A familiar voice sounded behind us. We all turned to see the other half of the Gang. "And what was all that commotion?"

"Fred! Velma!" Shag screamed.

"Raphne!" They ran and jumped into their arms. They jerked in surprise and they all fell to the ground. We went over and helped them all up.

"What are you guys doing here?" Shag asked.

"I invited them." I said out loud. "Jewels said you guys work better as a team. I thought it would make her and you guys feel better if you guys were altogether for the mystery." I explained.

"We gladly accepted. Especially when Catman said there was a chance that Jewels was in trouble." Daphne commented.

"Where is she by the way? And Starchild." Velma asked. They looked around briefly. The rest of us shared a few looks while Shaggy and Scooby squirmed nervously. "Guys?"

"I can explain." Whirlwind stepped up. "You remember the last visit you had to this park." They nodded. "Well everything you experienced, the mystery, the Crimson Witch,....KISSteria. It was all real, not whatever KISS had to pass the events off as."

"Hallucinations from the Witch's haze." Shag jumped in.

""Ah, yes. That would work. But that is not true. All of it was real."

"Who are you exactly?" Fred said defensively.

"How rude of me. My name is Flynn Froster. I am Jewelie's father." They all froze in shock. "And my daughter is in trouble, just as Catman said. An old threat from my past has resurfaced and is after her."

"You're kidding us!" Velma said. "It's impossible for anything along the lines of that hallucination to be real!" I shared a look with Demon and Spaceman. We all nodded in agreement. We all took off into the sky before she could say anymore.

"Proof enough? Again." Demon said the last part under his breath. We chuckled and landed. They all looked at us shocked.

"He's telling the truth. He is KISSterian as well." I motioned to the man.

"That would mean...Jewels is half..."

"Yes, she is." Whirlwind clarified. They looked at Shag for confirmation.

"Yeah. We only found out about her being half-KISSterian, like, a day ago but we've know about her powers for years." He explained. "We promised not to tell anyone that we knew. She has even help, discretely, on some mysteries with her powers."

"A lot for only being here 5 minutes." Daphne finally said something.

"We'll explain everything else as we make way to KISSteria. That's where we hope Starchild and Jewels are at." Spaceman said as we moved toward the portal.

Jewels POV

I sat under a tree waiting on Starchild to return. He flew off to see if there was anything or anyone close to our position. While he was gone, I was playing with them water, bending it into random shapes. I was growing even bored with that until an idea popped into my head.

"I wonder if I can tap into my KISSterian powers." I thought out loud. I stood up and tried to think of how to do just that. My mind immediately turned to the amulet. I held it in my hand and concentrated. I saw my hand start to faintly glow. Just as I was about to try something, it flicker out. I slumped.

"It's a good start." Starchild's voice spooked me, causing me to jump back and land in the water. I saw him try not to chuckle as he came closer. I just glared. "I am sorry, Jewels."

"It's okay." I got up to my feet and waded out of the water. "It's not like I cannot fix it." I bent the water off of me and behind. "Did you find anything?"

"I found an outpost a few miles to the East. It will not take long to get there." He looked in the general direction. "If we fly." My shoulders fell.

"I can only go so far with my air bending and I can't fly with my KISSterian powers yet." I said, scratching my arm. He gave me an empathetic look.

"It will come. I promise. Especially with the help of the amulet." He gently grabbed it before quickly dropping it. His hand recoiled. From the looks of it, it shocked him thoroughly.

"Are you alright?" I asked him in his dazed state. He shook his head before stumbling.

"I don't know how you are even wearing that. The amount of energy that just coursed through me was almost enough to knock me out. Even with my knowledge and training on my powers."

"Hmm." I pulled the amulet into view. "That's strange." I looked around. "Well, I guess we better get moving. I do not want to know what goes on in this desert at night." He laughed.

"Come on." He reached around and wrapped his arm on my waist. I set mine behind his neck. "The only thing you have to worry about about we just get going?"

"Yeah. Lets." I agreed trying not to laugh at his hesitance. He rolled his eyes but took off quick. I tensed and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Little warning next time." I yelled over the wind.

"Sorry, Jewels! But you're the one that wanted to get out fast." It was my turn to roll my eyes. We stayed silent as we quickly flew. Out of nowhere, a loud growl spooked us. He stopped.

"Sounds like we aren't as alone as I thought." He glared into the empty hills, keeping an eye out for a timber wolf and the woman who controls it.

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