Dot Dot Dot

1 0 0

I stared at my screen, waiting for a reply.

Dot dot dot.

She was finally answering. Thank god, I wasn't suer how much more of the confusion I could take.

You had some questions? -Lynn

No shit I had some questions. I've been questioning my sanity for the past 24 hours.

What the hell happened back at the train station? -Barbie

I thought back to yesterday at the train station. Lynn and I had been pen pals for almost a year now. We have a lot in common but she's from England, so we never had a chance to meet in person. Until yesterday that is though.

I had agreed to meet purely our of curiosity but I thought that maybe Lynn wouldn't be at all what I thought she would be. And I was right, but I didn't expect to see what I saw.

I remember the waiting. How nervous I felt. I sat on a bench, leg shaking from my nerves.

I glance up at the clock. It's almost noon. She'll be here soon.

The train station was very busy. I hadn't really planned for that. I forgot that everything was busier on the weekends.

I heard someone call out my name and I looked up. To my left, down the corridor stood a girl holding a small bag waving at me. She was wearing a summer dress, a sun hat, and oversized glasses.

I stood and walked toward her. I stared at her. She looked eerily familiar, like I'd seen her before.

"Lynn?" I ask.

"Yup! It's so nice to finally meet you!" She says cheerfully, hugging me

I'm surprised she's so forward, but I hug her back. She pulls away and I study her face. I'd definitely seen her face somewhere before but I couldn't place it.

"Do I have something on my face?" She asks.

"Oh no! You just look familiar." I laugh nervously.

She just smiles and I begin to walk toward the exit. I could feel eyes on us but I couldn't figure out why.

I hear a commotion ahead of us. Lynn grabs my arm and pulls me to the side of the crowd.

"What's going on?" I ask, confused.

"There they are!" I hear someone yell.

I turn and look and see three men all running towards us. Lynn grabs my hand and starts running in the other direction. 

I run with her, though confused. We pass by the large mirror that is on one of the walls and as I turn to look behind me, I see my own reflection. I suddenly realize why she looked so familiar. She looked identical to me. I stare at her again.

"Keep running!" She yells at me.

A loud explosion sounds behind up and suddenly the building is collapsing in on itself. Lynn and I barely make it out without getting squished.

And then she just left. Without letting me ask her questions.

I'm sorry you got caught up in that, I didn't think they'd find you so quickly.

I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but you need to tell me why we look exactly alike.

I sat there, staring at the three dots in a row.

I know this is going to sound insane, but I'm you from a parallel universe. There's nothing to be afraid of. It's just that we need you to help us keep all our time lines safe.

Ok, now I knew she was crazy. What the hell was she talking about.

Everything's going to be fine, I promise.

Why me?

That's what we've been asking ourselves for a long time now.

There's more of us?

Yes, but you have nothing to fear, no one's going to hurt you.

I sat there in shock. She was me? That was insane. Right? I stared at my screen unsure what to say.

We can meet again, we'll be safe this time.

I stared down at my keys, unsure what to reply. Taking a deep breath I started typing, knowing now she was waiting on those god forsaken dot dot dots.   


Kinda short, and not eactly how I wanted this one to go. But I'm absolutly exhausted and must get some sleep so I wrote it pretty short. 

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