You, again

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I walked through the town. I sighed. I did this everyday. It was fun at first, but now it was ridiculously boring.

Being a ghost sucks sometimes.

I walked into the local bar when a young man almost bumped into me, or would of if I was alive. It doesn't phase me anymore when humans "run into me".

"Whoa, sorry dude!" He says before running out of the bar.

I turn quickly but he's already gone. Who was that? He can see me?

I walk to the bar and sit on an empty bar stool.

"Hey Frankie."

Frankie just nods at me.

Frankie was the only one in town who could see me. Thank goodness for her, if she wasn't here I would've gone insane.

"Who was that guy?" I ask.


"The guy who ran into me and then apologized."

"Wait someone saw you?" Frankie asks.

"Yeah, I have to find out who he was."

"Well, you're welcome whenever. It's not like I could stop you anyways."

I sat in the bar until Frankie closed up. I thought about the guy, trying to remember what he looked like. I had a vague image in my mind, but nothing concrete. I don't really pay attention to humans anymore since they can't see me.

I walked Frankie home.

"Well, see you 'round." Frankie says.

"Yeah, sure." I say, coming into Frankie's apartment.

I sat on her couch while she went to bed.

I spent every night at Frankie's bar waiting to see the guy again. But I didn't see him, or didn't think I saw him anyways.

A week past and I was loosing hope.

Right before closing though the door to the bar opened and a familiar young man walked in.

He looked around the bar, saw me and smiled at me before going to sit with his friends.

"That's him!" I tell Frankie, pointing to the man.

"Oh, that's Richie. He's new to town."

"Should I go talk to him?" I ask. suddenly nervous.

"I'd wait for him to come up to the bar to order a drink. No need to rush into thing Meg."

I sigh, waiting.

Soon enough he came up to the bar.

"Hey." Richie says politely.

"H-Hey." I say awkwardly.

I heard Frankie snort from behind the counter and gave her a dirty look.

"No drink?" He asks.

"I don't drink."

"Then why do you hang out in a bar?" He asks, laughing.

I blush. "Obviously for the company."

It was a slow night, there was hardly anyone in the bar.

Richie laughs. "Sure."

Frankie gives him his drink and he goes back to friends.

"You're hopeless, Meg." Frankie says, laughing at me.

"Hey! I haven't talked to a guy in... a long time."

"That's apparent."

I kept hanging out at the bar, and Richie started to come more.

"Hey you, again." Richie would always say to me.

"Hey you." I'd reply.

"Listen Meg, you need to tell that boy that you're a ghost because he wants to ask you out on a date and how do you think that's going to look?"

I sigh. "I know... But I don't want to ruin what we have."

"You're going to have to tell him at some point."

The next time I saw Richie I asked him to take a walk with me.

"Is there something you'd like to tell me?" Richie asks.

"Yes, actually. Now, I don't want you to freak out ok. So just promise me you won't freak out, ok?"

"Sure, I promise." He says lightheartedly.

"Well... I'm dead."


"I'm a ghost."

Richie stared at me.

"Are you messing with me?"

"Nope. So far only you and Frankie can see me."

"Wait? So you're seriously dead?"


I say a young couple walking towards us. I told Richie to stop and watch.

I started jumping up and down in front of them, yelling at them, and then when they passed us, they walked right straight through me.

"Oh my god."

"Yeah... I'm sorry. It's really weird."

"How long have you been a ghost?"

"About three years now."

"Why are you a ghost?"

"I guess I have some unfinished business to resolve. I don't really know. I can't remember anything before I became a ghost."

"So you don't know who you are or where you're from?"

"I can remember some things, like my names Meg. But that's about it."

"Why can I see you?"

"That's a great question. I don't know."


We talked all night long. I answered his questions and he seemed to take everything well. I'm glad, I really didn't want to loose the new friend I'd made.


I think because I spent all day writing a research paper this short was really hard to write. haha. Sorry if it doesn't make the best sense. I'm super tired.  

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