In the Fridge

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She sat in his living room, waiting for him to get home. He'd disobeyed her for the last time. She picked up a magazine and began flipping through it.

She heard him walk down the hallway to his apartment, shuffling for his keys. He unlocked the door and walked in.

He froze when he saw her sitting on his couch.

"Well, well, well. Long time no see, Kevin."

"S-Seven... W-What a-are you d-doing here?"

He was scared shitless. Good, Seven thought to herself.

Seven stood from the couch and walked over to him. Her stilettos clicked on the hardwood floors.

"Well darling. When a member of my coven just ups and leaves after receiving an order, something must be wrong. I wanted to make sure you were ok." Seven cooed at Kevin, making him even more uneasy.

Seven, though always doing what was best for her coven, was unpredictable when she was pissed off. Kevin had seen her kill hundreds of vampires and humans alike who cross her.

"I-I'm sorry, Seven. But I couldn't do it anymore."

"Couldn't do what, darling?"

"Live in your coven. I needed to be free. I appreciate what you've done for me but I can't live in a coven, it just doesn't work for me."

"Hmmm. I understand. You're young, all vampires need time on there own. Why didn't you just come to me then?"

"I-I was afraid."

Seven circled Kevin, breathing in his scent. He was scared, that was obvious.

"There's more to it, isn't there. Perhaps, a girl?"

Kevin turns to face Seven, deathly afraid now.

"Listen, I know your rules. If we want to date a human they have to be vetted by you. But it just happened so quick and I was afraid that you wouldn't allow me to date her."

"So you ran off with her?"

Kevin nodded.

"Silly little vampire. You're new to my coven, so I won't kill you. Though if you'd of suck around a while longer you would've known that I always say yes to you who want to date humans. Who am I to stand between true love."

"Then, why have the rule?"

"It's a test. A test of loyalty. True coven members will come to me, those who aren't fully committed run."

"P-Please, I'm sorry. I never meant to disrespect you. I'll never do it again."

"You're right you won't. And you'll be returning to the coven at sundown, do you understand?"

"No punishment? You're just going to forgive me."

"Forgive and forget isn't my thing. Punishments are. Your punishment is in the fridge."

"The fridge?"

Seven nods. She begins to walk away as Kevin walks towards the fridge.

"If you don't come back to the coven, Kevin, I will personally hunt you down and punish you again. Death would be too easy. I torture those who betray me. I'm immortal so I have all the time in the world. Remember that darling."

Kevin opens the door to the fridge and see's Clara's head sitting on the top shelf. Kevin falls to the ground crying.

Seven leaves his apartment, not wanting to hear his cries.

She had cried those tears too many times. She was in control. No one was going to stop her.


So this is a continuation sort of of a previous part. This character is a character I've been playing around with in my mind and I think I might start writing a book about her soon. Probably. I have most of the story figured out so I think it'd be interesting. 

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