Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

What the hell?

I was rudely interrupted by Matthew waking me. "Hey, um Nick? I'm not sure what you do, but i have school. So you need to go." I slowly opened my eyes, my blush came back. "Oh ah-" i quickly rummaged through my pockets, and soon found the page filled with notes from Leader. I looked over the notes while changing, "do you know how to get to 'Berry Blue School?' I'm not sure how to get there." Matthew smiled politely, "yeah, i can take you there, its my school." I bowed down. "Thank you."

As we reached school we split up, i went in the direction of the schools leader. It tool me some time, traveling around the school alone was honestly impossible. I slammed my head hard into a wall, and staid there for about a minute before searching, once again, for a leaders that seem impossible to find. I soon ran into a teacher. "Hey, um where is the leader?" It was hard enough to find a bathroom in this place, but having to find someone, someone please save me.

"I'll take you to him, i see that your the new kid. Y'kno we don't usually get new people so late in the year, some thought it would be better t'just let yo' go to some 'there school. But i disagreed, yo' seem'd nice enough to come here." I nodded my head, a bit annoyed by his swedish accent.

We soon reached the office, which lead me to the schools leader. "Excuse me, but i am the new kid-" the women who i was talking to pointed to a door which read 'Doc. Berryman.' "Um ok, so is that the leader?" I asked, hoping to find out. "You'll see for yourself." She snapped her gum, and used her free hand to intertwine her hair. I rolled my eyes and nocked on the wooden door. "Excuse me, Doc. Berryman, i am nick, the nee kid." "Yes, yes, come in, come in. please, please take a seat." 'What the hell is wrong with everyone here?!' I thought, trying my best to to be rude i took a seat in front of his desk. "I shall show you your class, and when you have them. Don't worry, don't worry, i shall be helpful, very helpful." Doc. Berryman smiled and rummaged through his desk. He soon found a folder and handed it to me. "This i what tells you, your class and such, ok? Ok?. Ok now to find your class.oh, and you have no locker, so you have to carry your stuff with you at all times. Or else bad will happen. Really bad. Ok? Ok! Lets go." I sighed and slowly walked behind Doc. Berryman.

We walked to the art room, which or me was a good thing, i was amazing at art, i was as well fast at it. Doc. Berryman nocked on the door, and asked to see Mrs. Capnit. "Yes berry." She asked. As, who i thought was Mrs. Capnit, walked out, she had fairly white skin, with thick blonde hair, and a very skinny waist. Eating disorder. "This is nick, the new student. Nick, please be nice to Mrs. Capnit, ok? Ok! I have to go." Doc. Berryman walked back the way we had come. "You may call me Mrs. Catnip, its easier for people to say, ok?" I nodded. " now there are some students who have some questions, if thats alright." "That is fine, i shall answer some questions." We walked into the front of a twenty student class. "Ok class, this is nick, if you have any questions than ask." One girl smiled and raised her hand. "Whats your favorite color?" I thought for a moment, and came up with light green, like Matthews eyes. I mentally slapped myself for that. "Light green." She nodded her head, judging me. A boy, with black hair, and light skin. 'Emo.' I thought, looking at his band shirt. "Why are you late for class." I shrugged, "because, it barley possible for me to be early." He smirked. S girl raised her hand, "why are you so hot." She smiled like a witch. "It does not feel that hot to me." I shrugged that question off. "Are you single?" Some mystery voice asked, "i suppose you mean single as in relationship wise, so yes i am.A group of boys laughed, giving me the feeling i would not be popular. Normal. "Any other questions?" No one raised, or blurted out. "Ok, nick you may have a seat over by Josh, your seat is at the way back, next to the window." I nodded and walked the way she told me to do so. Josh, was the 'emo' boy, though i could see his scares. "Now everyone, back to work. Nick i need you to draw a portrait of any family member, other than yourself. Ok?" I put of my best 'about to cry' face. "Mrs. Catnip, i do not have any family... Could i drawl you instead?" I could see how she was about to cry, but she told me i could do so. Josh handed me a note, which at first i did not notice until he slapped it on to my lap. The note read are you for real, you have no family? I nodded. He passed me another note which read, Me too, my family died when i was really young. Everyone makes fun of me for it. I smiled, and wrote on a small piece of paper saying well, i will not make fun of you. He smiled, it was kinda cute, or so i thought. I finished drawling over Mrs. Catnip, i made sure to not put much skin color, she was very white, almost ghostly. I did use some shadowing, but not much. I raised my hand. "Mrs. Catnip, i am done." She walked over and examined my work. "Holy- i mean, good job, i've never seen someone done so fast, with such a good job." She took my paper to the front of the class, an held it tight in the air. "You see this class!" She yelled. "This is what you should be doing, not those lazy stick figures!" Everyone looked up, and made a 'o' form with there mouth. She walked back to me, and gently put the paper back down in my hands. "Good job." She smiled sightly.

Class soon ended as people looked at me angrily. "Nick," Mrs. Catnip asked before i left class. "Yes?" "Your next class is choir, room 548, in the C-hall. Ok?" I nodded and walked off the way she told me too.

The bell rung and i was late. I did find the C-hall, but it was hard to find the right room. I thought i was the only one in the halls at this time, until, someone ran me over. "Oh sh-" i said while hitting the ground. I heard the same response from who had hit me. I knew the voice. "Oh, ah sorry nick. I was heading to choir and i didn't see you." It was Matthew. "Oh no it is ok, and i have choir too, i just can not find the room." Matthew quickly stood up, and held out his hand. "I'll show you." I smiles and took it. We walked to the room, which was on the other side of the building, which made me wonder how Matthew ended up here. Once we reached the door, Matthew poked his head in. "Mr. Shelva, the new student is here." Mr. Shelva came out, with an angered expression. "You where late. Again. But I'll settle that later, Nick, some students have some questions. You shall answer all." I nodded, a bit afraid of Mr. Shelva. As i walked in, i first noticed that there where three bleaters, staked on top of one another, but where you could easily sit and stand. Nick took a seat in the middle left. "Who here has questions?" Asked Mr. Shelva. One girl dared to raise her hand. "How do you say your last name?" She asked. "Zeytionouth (Za-t-on-outh)." I answered. She nodded. "Any other questions?" Mr. Shelva asked. No one else dared to raise there hand, nor spoke out. "Nick, you may sit in the top middle." I nodded and walked through the people, it took my some time to get through. But the moment i stood at the top, the bell had rung. I sighed and waited for everyone to get off the bleaters. "Nick, your next class is math, room 201. In the A-hall." I wanted to kill somebody at that moment.

The bell, once a fucking again rung. No one else was in the hall. I thought i was in the C-hall still. As i walked around without any knowledge of where i am at, or where i need to be. But i soon heard some voice, so i followed them. As i got closer i could hear better of what they are saying. "Hey faggot, i see you like dicks." I hear somebody get pushed to a locker than punched. "Yeah, your a little gay faggot." This voice was more feminine than the first. "How about i put somethin' else up your ass!" The first voice said. I walked quickly, and once i turned the corner to see what was happening, i was a group of three against Matthew. "Leave him alone." I said, and looked at Matthew. He had blood dripping from his face, mostly from his nose, but a little from his eye. He was bruised just about everywhere. His clothes where torun. The first voice i heard took Matthew by the collar, holding him up. "You want this weak gay fuck to be left alone. God hates the gays."

// authors note. I myself am gay, which i dislike using words like that, k.//

I new much of religion for humans. "God loves, all his creatures. ALL of them." I walked up closer. "I will give you one last chance. Leave him alone. Or i shall slowly destroy your reputation." The first voice, who i assumed was the leader of this gang, let Matthew hit the ground hard. "You challenge me little man." I wad looking down on this 'leader'. "If i am so little, than why are you smaller than my. You are what? 5'8 5'9? I am 6 feet tall boy." I smiled wickedly, trying to scare him off. Which, of course, did not work. "Fight me bitch." The leader had said. I nodded, and punch him in the chest, knocking him out cold, i did not think humans where so weak. "As you wish." I said. I turned to the other two. "Would you like to join him?" I asked while they ran away.

I turned back to Matthew. "Are you ok?" I held out my hand, wanting for him to grab it, which i could see that he could barley stand. "I shall take that as a no." I picked Matthew up, holding hime like a bride. It hurt to see the way he was. "I do not know of how to get to the infirmary. You mist tell me." "G-go straight." I nodded until he told me to go left. After a few minutes we reached are destination.

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