Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Where has my heart gone?

Night crept slowly as i laid awake. Something reminded me of Mathew, but... Who?

Reality hit me harder than hitting Earth. The boy who i was with was as well my prey. I scramble to look through my pockets looking for something, to when i got it. The photo,

both the Matthews where the same.

You've lost your sanity. But do not worry little one, i am here. I shall always be here.

I flinched. 'Why are you still here?! I thought you left for good! Why now!' I yelled through my head, knowing damn well that voice was suppose to be gone at the age of six.

I slapped myself, knowing i may have gone insane. 'Me insane? Yeah right, i mine as well be a unicorn.'

Don't worry little one, i'm not here to sooth your nightmares. I just want to talk. You see, i'm here to save you. Help you, if i may say. Matthew is not the one you want dead. Nor so you want to be with him. Leave. Leave now! Before its to late. I beg you young one. Please leave before sunrise. Or you shall fall-

'shut up! I have to kill him. I have to you, -you- Monster.' The voice most have left once again, or just shut up. For the rest of the night i was able to sleep. Or so i thought.

An owl hoowed sightly, woken me up. I walked around the small apartment; a blue tile, black curtains and dark pink walls. As i walked out, there was a small glow coming from one of the rooms. I crept along the walls, watching as the glow became bigger and bigger, until i was just infront of the door.

No! Stop! Please i beg you! I'm from the future, i swear! JUST LEAVE. Please. Don't.

' damn, i thought your where gone. Go away. I am going to feast on him!'


' i what? Love him? No! That insane, not possible. I couldn't love a human. Your trying to trick me! Leave now or be ignored forever!' I swear, if that voice had a face, i would punch it.

I slowly open the door. Only one little candle light the room. Windows where practically everywhere, one on the side of a mattress, and one next to the door i was at. One sat above the closets window. The room was one hell of a mess, old chip bags where scattered across the room. A small desk sat still with papers on it, and Matthew fast asleep on it. A pencil in Matthew's hand made me think he was doing homework, or studying.

I slowly walked over to the sleeping boy. I had a sudden urge to- NO! I mean ah, i felt like this was the perfect time to feast. But, something stopped me. At first i thought it was just from the voice, but than it was because i thought he was... Cute? No, not that, i was examining him, yeah, that. I hope.

I told you not to come in here. It's to late! You already fell. We have to go through this again. AGAIN. Please, leave now, never, ever come back. EVER! Ever! I beg you. you will only fell hurt. Leave. Its for best!

I simply ignored the voice. Thinking it would soon go away. Which it did.

I sightly looked over Matthew, examining his body. Watching his small breaths. My finger drifted around Matthew's arm, going up and down his bear skin. i haven't noticed until my finger went past his colar, Matthew wore no shirt. Making me sightly blush. I felt his light brown hair, my hand glided through it, almost like silk. I smiled.

I backed up, and painfully slapped myself. 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!' I stood there, i slapped myself again. i-i, i had no reason to touch him, and yet, i had to, this desire forced me to do so. I walked out, and hurried back to the couch. I laid back down, my breath was fast. To fast.

I told you. I so told you. I'm sorry, but from here on out, i cant stay much longer. You failed to listen me.

I ignored the voice once again. But i had to listen. I felt a blush rush on to me. My breath soon slowed, but not my much. I wanted to answer the voice, but, i never lied. Ever. Even if i get in trouble, i still say the pure truth. No twist to turns. Just the straight truth. I soon drifted off to sleep.

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