Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

What will happen to us?

I woke up on Matthew bed, memories flooded through me of last night, my heart pounded. Matthew was still sleeping, and his arms where off me, which made me a bit sad. But i gave myself a roll of the eye. Knowing that doing this will get me, or Matthew killed.

Hours later Matthew awoke, he one again was close to choking me. He aloud my arms to stay on him for a few minutes more, until he stood up. I opened my eyes just enough to see Matthew staring out the window. His eyes gleamed with pleasure. "Its snowing!" He yelled. "Nick! Nick, its snowing. Wake up you lump." I slowly awoke as though i really was asleep. "What Matthew?" I asked. "Its snowing!" I watched Matthew's smile grow more and more. It made me smile some too. But than the scenes of yesterday played out, making me blush lightly. "Snow? What is that?" I asked, a bit confused. Matthew made a ' are you fucking kidding me' face. It almost scared me. "Snow is, this white powder. But its really cold, like very cold. And its used to make snow cones, and snow mans even snow-angles. Urg, just come over here." I nodded and got off the bed slowly. I noticed Matthew put on some pants, no longer naked. I could see a few big bruises on his back, making me feel regret for not being there to save him sooner. Matthew stared out the window wide eyed, mouth sightly open. "I am sorry." I said. My heart pounding, but not because if nerves, no, not this time. "What?" Matthew asked. "I said i was sorry. Because, you got hurt and-" i looked down, Matthew was now staring at me. His eyes peered over me, as though he had found out something bad. "Don't be like that. Its not your fault, hell its my fa-" i could not let him say that. "No! It is my fault. And i have to be sorry about it. Do you even notice my true form." My eyes widen as looked back up, staring once again at Matthew. "Your true form? What do you mean?" Matthew held me against the window, determined to find out. "I don't care if your mentally insane! I trust you." At that moment Matthew went red, firetruck red. "I-i mean, you did seen me naked, and washed me." He looked away, blushing madly. "It is still my faul-" this time i was interrupted by Matthew's lips, his pressed firmly against mine. I stood there, dumbstruck, i did not know how to kiss, i was mot even sure if i was suppose to open my mouth. So i kept it shut. Matthew pulled away, seeing what he had done. "I-I'm sorry, it-it was my mistake, i see that your not-" i would not let him think he was wrong, "i do like you too, but, i do not understand the human romance." Matthew still had me trapped. "W-what?" I sighed. "You want to see my true form, so i shall show you, do you have any nail polish remover?" Matthew looked confused. I wonder what he was thinking. "O-oh, i-i see, your transexual." For a moment i was wondering what the fuck he was thinking. I sighed and looked down again. "No, not that. You seen, i am know as a Qen. To turn to my true form i need nail polish remover." Matthew looked utterly confused, scared even. "Haha, funny dude. You had me for a second." I looked back up, straight into his eyes. And grabbed him by the waist. "I am not playing. I am telling the truth, if you do not have nail polish remover but still want to see my true form, than go and buy some. Okay?" Matthew looked to be incomplete terror, "i-i s-st-still d-don't un-understand." I gave a smile; sweet, sweet smile. "Just go but some nail polish remover." Matthew nodded and ran out of the door, forgetting to shut it, like Billy did the first day i met him. I closed the door, even from there i could hear Matthew running, his feet stomping against the floor, probably waking everyone up. But thats what happens when you live in an apartment complex.

It is to late, you love him. It is to late to change back. You will now and forever- no, i should not say it, it is to painful. I am sorry.

I wanted to scream, or yell. But i could not, i knew that. I laid on the couch, feeling tired. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to a nock on the door, my body felt cramped and stiff. But i got up to open it. Matthew stood there, wide eyed, and shaking. "T-take it." He said. I did take the nail polish remover, but i did not open it. "I will only open this if you want me to. I will not force you t-" Matthew once again kissed me, his face was a dark pink, while mine turned a rosy pink. He pulled away, and said " I want to see." I nodded, and stuck the tip of my finger in nail polish remover. I instantly transformed. I looked down at my pure black hands, and my red leg, while the other is purple. "This is what i look like, most Qens look different, there has been only one know person to look like someone else." Matthew looked at me, up and down, his eyes fluttered, almost as if this was a dream. "Qens have missions," i went on, "which, most missions are to see who is good, and who is bad, and to see who is strongest and such. To see who is bad and who is good, we are given a mission of feasting, our prey is someone who is randomly selected. And, i got selected to feast on you." Matthew did not move, he did not look afraid, or anything, it was like he knew this was gonna happen. "Are you? Are you going to kill me?" I grabbed him, kneeling to his hight. "No, i could not do that. I, i fell in love with you. Doing something like that would be terrible. I can not. Nor will i." Matthew had tears poking from his eyes, he quickly grabbed me. Holding me tight, a little to tight. Some of my bangs fell over my eyes, landing on Matthews head. My blue hair mixed with his light brown hair. "I-i love you too." I could feel his heart pounding against my ribcage. Matthew looked back up at me. "So than what happens?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well, the bad seem to be praised, and sense you won't eat me, than, what happens to the good?" "The good, well, die. When Christmas comes to be twelve pm, everyone is sent back to Qen, and is killed if good, and is praised if bad. I am sorry to tell you that." Matthew had very wide eyes, he seemed as though he wanted to cry some more. "N-no, j-just eat me, it'll be ok. I swear, i wont mind, i don't think i could live on if i where to know that you would die because of me!" I looked at him, "i can not do that, the pain will stay in me, until i have to kill again. I would not do anything, just sit there, waiting. Dying." I could tell Matthew was on the verge of tears, so i picked him up bridle style, and carried him to our room. He held tight to me, soaking my shirt with tears, i began to cry as well, but it was black tears, not clear watery tears. "Don't cry you'll just make me cry more." Matthew sobbed. I jumped on the bed, with Matthew still in my arms. "W-why?" He asked. "Because, when i would ever be sad, i would lay on my bed, and look at the celling, and think about who i cared for." I polled Matthew, so that he would be looking at me. "I want to stare at you, i want to be the one you care for." Matthew cried even more at my cheesy pick-up line. He held onto my waist, to fall asleep once again.

I could hear his snores, and cradled him in my arms, no longer carrying what Leader would think. I laid there, trying not to move, trying not to wake Matthew, i honestly did not know what to do. Or if anything would help. So i needed to let Matthew know i would always be with him, even if that means i have to die. One day he will realize that i am with him, at his side. Always wanting to bother him.

I began to hear him sob again, his fingers pulled on my shirt, pulling me closer and closer. "Hey, hey, it is okay, you will be fine, everything is alright." I whispered in a soothing tone. I could hear him cry more, a lot more. But his eyes never opened. Matthew must have been having a bad dream, probably of me dying. Once Matthew loosened his grip, i slid out, and whipped of his tears with my fingers. "It is alright." I said, trying my best to keep a smile. I laid back down, holding Matthew once again.

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