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I continue to tug at my hair, pacing back and forth in the Irwin's backyard. My vision was blurry due to the tears filling in my eyes. I wasn't gonna cry in front of Harry. I wasn't gonna cry in front of Ashton.

I used my hoodie sleeve to wipe at my eyes and looked back at the house to see Harry watching me from the kitchen window. A frown was etched on his face and I gave him a small smile before looking back down at the ground.

Before I even had time to react I heard the sliding door open and Harry's arms were wrapped around my waist, hugging me tighter than ever.

"What's wrong, Luke?" He asks.

"Nothing, Har." I sniffle and he frowns even more - if that was even possible.

"But I'm your little brother, Luke. You can talk to me." He says and I can't help but smile a bit at his statement.

"I'm just a little upset with my mom, but it's fine. Let's go play some Battleship." I say, leading him back towards the house.

We sit on his bedroom floor playing Battleship for an hour and a half before he gives up and I win. "I want to eat something for dessert." Harry huffs, sitting with his legs criss cross.

"Than let's go find something for dessert." I chuckle, standing up from my spot on the floor.

Harry races down the stairs and into the kitchen, me closely behind. I passed the living room to see Ashton on the couch watching South Park on tv and I rolled my eyes at that ridiculous show choice. I found Harry pulling out a box of brownie mix, so I guess that's what we were going to make.

We grabbed all the ingredients and mixed them all together, surprisingly not making a mess. When the oven was preheated I stuck the brownies in and set the timer for a half hour.

"What do you want to do while we wait?" I ask.

"We should go outside and play soccer!" Harry smiles.

I chuckle, "I'd love to play soccer with you, but it's too late and dark outside for that."

"Than can we play hangman or something? I have an actual game!" He smiles and I nod.

"Yeah, of course. Go grab it. I'll keep an eye on the brownies."

"What? Are they gonna grow legs and run away?" Harry jokes

I shrug, "you never know."

I watched Harry run out of the room and I could hear is little feet stomp up the stairs quickly. I roll my eyes as Ashton walks in the room.

"Are you okay? Who was on the phone?" He asks, leaning against the door frame.

"No one; just don't worry about it." I shook my head lightly, looking at the floor.

"It didn't seem like it was no one. Was it your mom? What did she say?" He asks.

"It's none of your business, Ashton." I snap just as Harry walks back into the room.

"Sorry for trying to help." Ashton says quietly before heading back into the living room.

Harry watched him walk back into the living room and once he was gone Harry turned to me. "What happened?"

"He was just helping me because the brownies tried running away." I joke, but Harry face is priceless.

"They really tried to run away? Oh my gosh!" He throws his hands over his mouth in shock and I bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to laugh. I knew he was being sarcastic, but his expression was spot on.

"Okay, let's play this game."


"Wow," Harry's mouth was filled with brownie. "This is so good! The whipped cream seals the deal!" He smiles wide. Whipped cream was all over his face and I regretted making brownies because he was not going to fall asleep quickly now unless I tired him out.

"Hey, Harry," I started. "What makes you tired?"

"I don't know." He shrugs. "Watching movies get me tired if they're boring."

"Do you like The Sandlot?" I ask.

He shrugs, "I've never heard of it."

"Well, it's on Netflix, so why don't I put it on when you're finished eating and you can watch that?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Are you gonna watch it with me?" He asks.

"I'm gonna stay downstairs, but if you need me just shout, okay?"

He nods rapidly, "okay."

After he's finished and cleaned up I set up the movie and wait until he's tucked in bed before heading back downstairs. I quickly cleaned up the kitchen and sat down in the living room, watching the television. Ashton must have disappeared again because I was all alone; that was until an hour later, the doorbell rung multiple times.

I rose from the couch and headed over to the door, pulling it open just as Ashton headed down the stairs. Michael and Calum rushed in, stopping in front of Ashton.

"Dude, there's this sick party around the block with booze and college girls. You have to come! The whole team's on their way there now." Michael said quickly.

"Let me change really quick." Ashton smiles before sprinting up the stairs.

"You should come too, Luke." Michael chirps.

Calum nods, "you can meet more people."

"I'm taking care of Harry." I purse my lips. "I should actually go check on him."

"Oh come on," Michael smiles. "Harry will be fine by himself for a few hours. You'll be back here before Ashton's parents are back and it'll be like nothing ever happen."

"No thanks." I say before heading up the stairs. I peek my head into Harry's room to see him sound asleep on his bed; the credits just starting at the end of the movie.

"Just leave the TV on." Ashton's voice caused me to jump. "He'll wake up if you turn it off."

I nod slowly, "okay."

"Are you coming to the party with us? Harry will be fine on his own for a couple hours." He says, shoving his hands in his front pockets.

"No, I'm good." I shake my head.

"Take a shower here, since you won't be able to shower at the school until Monday." He states and I nod slowly.


"You can borrow some of my sweatpants so you don't have to go out to your car." He says and I nod once again.

I repeat, "thanks."

"No problem." He smiles. "I'll be back before my parents get home so they don't catch me drunk." He smiles wide like an idiot. "See ya later."


So next chapter is going to be interesting, I'm telling you that now.

june 2016

it's probably not interesting at all tbh

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