thirty six

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Another short update bc I love you guys so much! x

qotc; I'm not sure if I've asked this already but, what's your favourite movies? Mines The First Time, Vampire Academy, She's The Man, and Napoleon Dynamite. :)))

Now on with the boring chapter! x

"This is too hard, Ashton." I tug at my hair in frustration before picking my pencil back up and erasing the many mistakes I had just made.

Ashton sighs, pointing to the problem on the page. "You have to multiply by six, then you add the twelve."

"That's what I did, but it's not the answer the you said." I huff.

"Babe, you subtracted instead of added." Ashton smirks.

I slap my palm to my forehead and groan. "Why do I suck at math all of a sudden?"

"Because you're stressed that finals start tomorrow." He points out.

"Yeah, and if I fail these finals I'm screwed." I reply.

Ashton scoffs, "are you kidding me? You could fail every final and still pass with a B minus or a C plus."

"But that will break my straight A's and it could risk my chance of getting in this school." I say.

"Luke," Ashton smiles, resting a hand on my back, between my shoulder blades. "You're going to be fine, I promise."

"Not if I can't figure this out." I mutter.

"You get as long as you need during the tests. Just make sure you read every question carefully and double check your work and answers." He encourages.

"Okay," I sigh. "Just help me finish this page."

"Ash." I groan, coughing a bit from the sudden weight dropped on my stomach.

"What?" He smiles innocently at me.

"Get off of me." I groan again. "You're not that light."

He scoffs, moving off me. He laid on his side, facing me. "I am not fat, okay?" He lifts up his shirt, revealing his toned torso. "I have-"

"Abs." I breathe out quickly. "I can see that."

"Can you though?" He smirks, removing the shirt from his body quite fast.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Ashton Fletcher Irwin?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Maybe I am, Lucas Robert Hemmings." He smirks, leaning over to kiss me.

"I'm too tired to do anything." I whine, putting my hands on his chest to shove him away.

"Why are you tired?" He furrows his eyebrows. "All we've done was studying. It's not that tiring." He adds with a chuckle.

"I didn't get much sleep last night." I confess.

"Why not?" He returns to his position on his side. "What's the matter?"

"I'm scared, Ashton." I bit down on my bottom lip, a little harder then I should have.

"What are you scared of, babe?" Ashton's face was filled with concern and he intertwined his fingers with mine.

"I know I was the one that said we would make this work, but now that I've been thinking about it, I'm terrified." I felt my eyes begin to water. "What if you lose feelings for me? What if you find someone else? What if-"

"There are no 'what if's', Luke." Ashton cuts me off, putting up air quotes when he said what if. "My feelings for you will only grow stronger and the only person I will ever be thinking about it you." He presses his lips to my temple. "And some phone sex might be requested." He added with a smirk.

"Ashton!" I slapped a hand at his chest and narrowed my eyes at him. "You are a dirty minded eighteen year old."

"Says the boy that let me try so many new things on him last night." He smirks, leaning in to kiss me again. I let him deepen the kiss and didn't stop when he hovered his body over mine.

"This is an inappropriate place to be talking about this, Irwin. Your relatives sleep in this bed." I say once he pulls away to catch his breath.

"I think we'd done worse things then just some dirty language, Hemmings." He mocks. I felt my cheeks get hot thinking about all the memories from last night. It was like nothing I - or he - had ever experienced. He did so many things I didn't even know was possible and- "Naughty, Lukey." Ashton smirks, referring to the forming bulge in my basketball shorts.

"I was just thinking about last night." I say quietly.

"Did you enjoy it?" He asks with the usual cheeky smile that he wore.

"Can we stop talking about it?" I blush a deeper shade of pink.

"Why?" He smirks. "Are you gonna get harder?"

"Probably." I exhale sharply.

"You don't want a round two?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"More like round seventeen." I mutter, rubbing my hands over my face.

"You counted?" He jokes, but I simply shrug.

"Maybe." I mutter.

"Come on," Ashton urged. "Just once more." I simply ignore him and turn my back to him, shutting my eyes. He sighs loudly and crawled underneath the covers with me, pressing his chest to my back, like we normally slept. "Goodnight, Luke."

I bite down on my lip, "goodnight, Ashton."

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