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I dropped Harry off at school before heading to the high school with Ashton in the passenger seat. He offered to drive, but I declined, not wanting him to be in control of my car.

When we arrived at the high school I parked and we climbed out, heading into the school. Kids were all by their lockers: doing homework, getting their books, or just chatting.

When we were about to pass the soccer team Ashton stopped to talk with them, so I continued my walk to my locker. I grabbed whatever books I needed and headed towards my first class.

No one was in the room yet (besides the teacher) so I pulled out my phone and started playing 2048 on it. The game was so stupid, but it was so addicting and I couldn't stop playing it most of the time when I start.

When the bell finally rung I shoved my phone in my pocket after making sure it was on silent. I began tapping my pencil lightly on my desk as kids started piling in the room, taking their seats. A brunette named Alexandria sat down next to me with a bright smile.

"Hi." She says, digging through her bag.

"Hey," I purse my lips.

She hands me a slip of paper. "I'm having a party Friday night; you should come."

"I can't." I purse my lips. "I'm babysitting on Friday."

"Oh, come on," Michael laughs, joining in the conversation. "Harry can be home alone for a few hours. He's eleven years old for Christ's sake!"

"I can't just leave him alone, Mike." I sigh, running my hands over my face. "His parents are going to be home really early in the morning, like one or two."

"Then come after they get there!" Alex smiles. "We'll be partying until like ten in the morning!"

"I don't know." I shrug, watching as Ashton walked through the door. He sat in his assigned seat two over from me and gave me a confused look because of the two conversationists. "I'll think about it, okay?" I sigh, looking down at the invitation.

"Great! Hope to see you on Friday!" Alex cheers and skips over to her assigned seat.

"She totally digs you." Michael chuckles, sitting in his assigned seat in front of me.

"What? No." I say bluntly, opening my notebook to write down whatever notes the teacher gave us.

"If you go to that party you're definitely gonna get some." He smirks. "Remember to bring a condom." He turns towards the front and I glance over at Ashton whose jaw is locked and he has a pissed off expression across his face. His attention was towards the front of the room, so I couldn't even ask him what was wrong in secret.

I began scribbling down all the teacher's notes, my hand cramping quickly. We always took a shitload of notes, but we never had homework.

Ashton was the first one out of the classroom when the bell rung, just like every time he's pissed off. Michael gave me a questioning look and I simply shrugged, unsure of why he would be angry or upset.

I quickly exited the classroom and headed off to my locker, tossing my books in and heading to gym to get changed for the last Monday of soccer.

By the time I reached the locker room most of the guys were already heading up to the gym. I walked towards the back of the locker room and unlocked my locker, pulling out my basketball shorts and tank. I quickly tore off my hoodie and put my tank on before tugging off my jeans and putting on my basketball shorts. I left my black converse on as I ran my fingers through my hair and quickly pulled my phone from my jean pocket, checking to see if I had any messages.

No one had text me, so I put my regular clothes and phone in my locker and shut it, making sure it was locked before I turned to walk up to the gym. Ashton stood in front of me, causing me to jump. He gripped my shirt and shoved me back, my back hitting the lockers.

"We need to talk. Now." He says through clenched teeth.

"What the hell did I do to you now?" I roll my eyes at him and shove him away from me.

"What the hell are you pulling?" He asks.

I scrunch up my nose, "what are you talking about?"

"Are you into guys or girls? Like," Ashton paused, rubbing his temples with his middle and index fingers. "you seem like you're into me and then you say you'll go to another girls party and Michael was saying that she wanted to get with you and you-"

"Woah," I laughed, putting a hand over Ashton's mouth. He licked it and I pulled away, wiping his saliva on my shorts. "First off, what does it matter to you what gender I like? And I never said I was going to hook up with anyone."

"Well, this is all bullshit then!" He laughs sarcastically. "Seriously, just fucking tell me."

"There's nothing to tell, Ashton." I say calmly, brushing pass him.

"I'm not done talking to you." Ashton snaps, grabbing ahold my shirt.

I spin around and grab a fistful of Ashton shirt, shoving him back against the lockers like he had done to me. "Don't fucking touch me, you ignorant asshole." I say just above a whisper. "I tried so fucking hard to be nice to you and be your friend, but obviously I can't so that without being judged."

"Luke, I-"

"I don't want to fucking hear it, Ashton!" I shouted, shoving him harder into the lockers. His eyes closed a bit as he winced from the metal spin-locks digging into his back.

"Okay," he breathes out, coughing a bit afterwards. "Okay, just let me go." I slowly let go if his shirt and step back, only for him to shove me into the other set of gym lockers. "Go fuck yourself."

I laughed lightly, not taking offence to his "threat". "Well, the last time I checked," I paused, tapping my fingers to my chin. "You wanted to do that to me. Are you sure you don't want to now?"

"Why did I ever try to be nice to you?" He asks, glaring at me.

"Because you like me." I smile cheekily. "You just won't admit it to your friends or to anyone in general because you don't want to be judged." I cross my arms over my chest. "You're the captain of the soccer team and the most popular guy in school; no one would like you if you were gay."

"Fuck off." Ashton groans.

"Hey," I shrug, lifting my hands up in surrender. "You're the one that threw me against the lockers first."

"I don't want you watching my brother anymore." He says, shaking his head lightly. "I don't want to see your face anymore."

"You do realise we go to the same school and we have the same classes, right?" I raise an eyebrow. "And you can't get rid of me that easily. I'm taking care of Harry because you can't, remember? That's why I was hired in the first place. So if you want to start taking care of your brother and actually watch him then be my guest." I headed towards the locker room doors before turning back to Ashton. "And don't worry, I'll have all my stuff out of your grandma's lake house by tonight."


Okay this was a really shitty chapter, but I literally wrote it in an hour because I've had soooooo much shit going on. This story is really bipolar, like the mood could be good then jump into a nightmare in just one chapter (this for example). But don't worry, lashton won't be mad at each other forever ;)) love you guys and thanks for waiting! This is really shitty but I just really wanted to get it posted today!

Vote and comment!!! Next update is Wednesday x

june 2016

angry lashton is hot  

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