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The four of us sat down at the small table in the corner of the ice cream parlour. Ashton sat next to me and Harry sat across from us with his teammate Josh who ended up coming with us because his mom couldn't bring him and Ashton offered. I felt bad having to squeeze the two sweaty soccer players in the back seat of my car with all the boxes though.

"Thanks for paying." I mutter towards Ashton once Harry and Josh are in a heated conversation about the soccer match that just happened.

"It's not a problem." He shrugs before putting a spoonful of chocolate ice cream in his mouth.

"Well, I could've paid for myself." I state.

"Yeah, but I wanted to pay for you." He smiles softly. "It's okay, Luke, really."

"Okay," I sigh, stabbing my spoon into the bowl of chocolate ice cream with m&m's sprinkled all over top.

"So," he pauses. "Have you thought about moving in now that we're... good?"

I shrug, "I don't know, Ash. I'm going to be eighteen in a couple weeks. I need to find my own place and-"

"But why have your own place when you'll be at mine half the time anyway? I'm sure you'll still be working for my parents in a couple weeks." He pushes on.

"Relax, Ash." I smile small. "We have to see how things turn out after your parents get home."

"Oh, yeah," he frowns, looking down at the table. "My mom called me after my soccer practice."

"What did she say?" I questioned.

"They'll be home Thursday night or Friday morning." He bites down on his bottom lip and I almost reach out to touch his face, but keep a firm grip on the spoon.

"Is that a bad thing?" I raise an eyebrow.

He shakes his head, "no, but that means you can go to the dance and party with Autumn."

I playfully roll my eyes, "ask a girl, Ash. Anyone one would go with you if you just asked. You want to keep this perfect straight guy, captain of the soccer team image, so keep it." I shrug. "Go to the dance with someone and then you and I will hang out at the party together."

"Promise?" He asks.

I nod, grabbing his hand under the table. I lace his fingers with mine and he smiles at me. "I promise."

"I have to go to the bathroom." Harry says, jumping up from his chair.

"I'll take you." Ashton offers.

"No," Harry smiles, tugging on Josh's jersey. "Josh and I can go by ourselves. We're not five."

Ashton smiles sympathetically. "Yeah, sorry, sometimes I just forget."

The two sixth graders rushed off to the bathroom, leaving Ashton and I alone. We silently ate our ice cream, neither of us knowing what to say.

"Maybe I'll ask Katie." He speaks up.

"Okay," I nod. "I'm sure she'll say yes; she's a nice girl."

"Oh wait, no." He shakes his head quickly. "I hooked up with her last marking period."

I felt a pang in my chest, but I shook it off. Ashton had been with tons of girls. I shouldn't be getting upset over it. He told me he was interested in me. I just need to calm down.

"What about Alyssa?" I ask.

"Yeah," he bites his lip. "Hooked up with her too."

"Oh." I say, stirring my melting ice cream in my bowl.

"I'll ask Rachael. She's a prude, so I won't have to worry about her trying to get with me." He shrugs and I can't help but laugh a bit.

"Wow, you really are a man-whore."

"Wow, thanks." He says sarcastically.

"Anytime." I smile, nudging his arm a bit. I laced my fingers with his again and he smiles, glancing down at our hands. "We-"

"Can we go back to the house so Josh and I can play Xbox?" Harry asks, approaching the table again.

I nod, "yeah, come on, guys. Let's go."

We all head out to the car and climb in, heading back to the house. The boys rush upstairs to Harry's room and I made my way into the kitchen to clean up the after school snack that Harry rushed to eat before we had to leave for his game.

"We have an hour before Josh's mom is coming to pick him up, so what do you want to do?" Ashton asks.

I bite down on my bottom lip, "can you kiss me again? Please?" A small smile toys in his lips and I shake my head quickly. "I mean, because you remember our first kiss and I don't. I want you to kiss me so I never forget it either." I rambled and Ashton smiles at the floor.

"I understand, Luke." He chuckles and I feel my cheeks turn a light pink with embarrassment. "Yeah," he says after a couple minutes.

He makes his way around the island and slowly reaches his hands up to caress my cheeks before he wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. Goosebumps shoot up my arms and I place my hands on his hips, tilting my head to make the kiss more comfortable.

One simple kiss turned into a whole make out session and by the time he had picked me up and sat me on counter I felt comfortable kissing him. He stood between my legs and sucked on my bottom lip a bit before kissing me again. He let out a moan as I tugged at the bottom of his hair in the back and his tongue glazed over my bottom lip.

We both jumped apart at the sudden noise of someone talking. "Um, hello?"


Short, but effective. Who do you think caught them?

june 2016

i miss the feeling of you missing me  (lisTENING TO DRAKE WHOOp) 

aw ashton's cute and i lowkey forgot who caught them for like 10 minutes

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