twenty one

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I just love you guys so much that I had to update again. Don't worry, there will still be a chapter on Wednesday also. And also, I would appreciate it if you all didn't comment 'update soon', 'please update' , blah blah blah. I update every Wednesday and if I update sooner that's a surprise. So thank you.

Okay, so I have two questions before we start this chapter!

The first question is, how old are you guys? I'm 17, almost 18 :)

The second question is, what's your favourite tv show? Mine's Teen Wolf :D

This chapter is short so I apologise in advance, but at least I updated ;) NOW ON WITH THE LOVELY CHAPTER.

june 2016

wowowow i'm almost 20 now and my fav show is now the 100 

Ashton argued with the coach for a good twenty minutes about letting me play. Coach was complaining about how I had a broken wrist and if it got any worse it would be on him because he allowed me to play.

"Coach, I can play." I speak up for the first time in this conversation.

"Kid, you have a broken wrist. I'm not going to be held responsible if it gets worse." He says, turning to me.

This is how we were spending our gym class, practically begging the coach to let me play in the game on Friday. He was still running a gym class, so he would pay attention on and off.

Ashton and I still hadn't talked about last night. He wanted me to kiss him and then he just stops and basically tells me to leave. What a lovely make out-buddy.

"Fine, Hemmings, you're playing in the game on Friday." Coach says and Ashton smiles. "But only for that game."

"Thanks, Coach." I smile before patting Ashton on the back. "Everything is going to be okay, Ash."

"Thanks, Coach." Ashton sighs with relief.

"Yeah, yeah." Coach waves us off. "You both get zeros for the day, just so you know."

Ashton shrugs, smiling widely. "It was worth it."

"Alright, everyone to the locker rooms!" Coach shouts and Ashton drapes an arm around my shoulders as we walk back into the school.

"See? I knew it would work."


As I tossed my books on to my bed I kept my phone between my shoulder and my ear, talking with my aunt. It had been a while since I had talked to her and I guess she had found out that I wasn't living with my mother anymore because the first thing she said to me was what the hell did you do to get kicked out of the house?

I explained everything to her on the car ride home and she listened intensively before changing the subject to when I was planning on visiting her. She lived in Texas and I used to go visit her during my spring break--which was only two weeks away.

"I'll get a plane ticket and I'll fly out for spring break, I promise." I say, plopping down on my bed.

"You're not going to have to watch the kid?" She asks.

"It's spring break." I shrug even though she can't see me. "I think they're going to Disney or something."

"Oh well, if you want to go with them-"

"No, I'll be there." I cut her off.

"You can bring Ashton too, if you want. Unless he wants to go to Disney." She chuckles.

"I'll have to talk to him about it." I mutter.

"You guys will have to share the guest room though." She adds on.

"I'm pretty sure we'll be okay." I chuckle.

"Alright, well I work the night shift, so call or text when you have your ticket and just let me know if Ashton is coming or not so I know how much food I should be buying." She chirps.

"Okay, I'll talk to you soon." I say.

"I love you, kiddo."

"Love you too, Aunt Hannah."

After we hung up I tossed my phone to the end of my bed by my books and just looked up at the ceiling. I had to go to practice with Ashton at six for the game on Friday and I wasn't looking forward to it. I just wanted to play the game and be done.

I did all my homework within a decent amount of time and headed down stairs for a snack. I grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet and tossed the wrapper in the garbage before taking a bite of it. I was the only one home right now because Harry was at a friend's house, Ashton was out with Calum, and the parents were working.

A knock at the door caught me off guard and I jumped off the counter, heading over to the front door.

I pulled it open, surprised to see a mop of black hair in front of me.

"New hair colour, Mikey?" I raise an eyebrow as he simply smiles.

"Yep! I was wondering if you wanted to practice a bit before actual practice." He shrugs. "I have nothing to do since Calum is with Ashton and I don't feel like asking anyone else from the team."

"Sure." I shrug, letting him step inside. I shut the door behind him and head him out to the back. The soccer ball was in the small shed beside the house, so I retrieved the ball and kicked it over to Michael. He trapped it under his foot and did some weird trick that I hadn't been able to get the hang off. I laugh, "You're definitely gonna need to teach me how to do that."

june 2016

wow short as fuck but muke bonding time seems lit

i don't ship muke 

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