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I sat next to Autumn on the stairs, drinking some bright red beverage out of a red solo cup. I had asked Autumn what it was, but she said to just drink it. It had a strong, fruity taste, but it was still good; I was on my second cup. I had my arm lazily draped around her waist as we sat on the stairs, trying to stay close so that people could get by us if they wanted to go up or down the stairs. It meant absolutely nothing to the both of us and I was okay with keeping my arm there.

We had a perfect view of the door and I was still waiting to see if Ashton would show up so I could confront him. Why the hell would he just start making out with Rachael? He saw Autumn throw herself at me, didn't he? I mean, for Christ's sake, I'm gay. Why the hell would I kiss a girl? Someone please tell me why.

"Want another?" Autumn asks as I take the last sip of my drink.

I was already getting a bit tipsy because she said these were strong drinks, but I nodded anyway. "Put some ice in it this time."

She chuckles, "okay, I'll be back."

After she disappeared, I pulled out my phone and saw no new messages. I shoved it back in my pocket and my blood immediately began to boil when I caught sight of Ashton and Rachael walking through the front door. He had his arm draped around her shoulders and he was whispering things in her ear, making her giggle.

"Ashton!" I slur, trying to stand up from the stairs, but falling back down when my head began to spin. He glanced over at me and his features turned from happy to angry. What the hell was he angry for? I should be the angry one here.

"What, Luke?" He asks, stopping right in front of people, so they had maneuver around him.

"Come 'ere, we need to talk." I slur, motioning him over.

"I don't-"

"Here," Autumn interrupts, handing me my red solo cup with the fruity red drink.

I smile wide, "yay." I begin drinking it, hearing Ashton argue with Autumn.

"What did you give him? How many of those has he had?"

"Relax, Ashton." Autumn laughs. "He's fine."

"I'm great." I smile wide. "Auty, wanna go upstairs?"

"Sure, come on." Autumn nods, helping me stand up.

"See ya." I mutter to Ashton.

"No." Ashton reaches out for my arm, grabbing my wrist. "We need to talk." He turns around and looks at Rachael, "I'll meet you in the back in a minute, okay?" She simply nods and walks away, leaving Autumn, Ashton, and I.

"Okay," I huff, gulping down my drink. "Auty, can you get me another one? I'll meet you back down here in a minute." I smile sweetly at her and she chuckles.

"Okay, Luke."

Ashton drags me up the stairs and into an open bedroom, shutting the door and locking it behind him as I stumble towards the bed, sitting on the edge of it.

"Alright, how is this going?" I mutter, tugging off my shirt.

"Luke, what the hell are you doing?" Ashton snaps, reaching for my shirt on the floor. I grip the collar of his shirt and pull him to me, kissing him roughly. "Luke, stop!" Ashton shouts, pulling away from me.

I frown, watching as he reaches for my shirt and begins to put it back over my head. "I don't want it on, Ashton!" I shout, my head spinning from the loud noise.

"What is wrong with you, Luke?" He asks in disbelief.

I reach for his shirt again, tugging at the bottom of it. "Come 'ere," I mutter, as he slowly begins to give in.

I lay down on the bed and watch as Ashton carefully hovers over me, bringing his lips to mine. Our kisses started out nice and slow, but became more rough when I pulled Ashton's shirt up his torso and over his head. He holds himself up by his left elbow as the fingers on his right hand begin messing with my hair.

The door knob jiggled, causing Ashton to quickly move away from me. He must have forgotten that he locked the door.

"Ashton," I whine.

Ashton shakes his head, reaching for his shirt that had been discarded to the floor. "We're here to talk, Luke."

I groan, "I don't want to talk."

"You kissed Autumn." He mutters and I grew angry.

I sat up quickly, hurting my head very badly, but I was too angry to focus on that right now. "I didn't kiss Autumn." I snapped. "She kissed me."

"I saw-"

"You obviously didn't see correctly!" I shout. "Besides, don't you have Rachael to go make out with? I mean, that didn't seem to be a problem at the school."

"I was upset." He mutters. "I wanted to get back at you."

"You're an asshole, Ashton Irwin. I hope you have a lovely rest of your night." I mutter, putting my shirt back on. I try to stand up, but stumble back because of the amount of alcohol I had consumed.

"Just sit down, Luke." Ashton sighs. "You're too drunk to walk."

"I'm fine, Ashton." I snap. "Just leave me alone." I slowly make my way pass him and unlock the door, throwing it open and making my way down the stairs, only to trip over someone's foot. I tried grabbing on to the railing for support, but failed when my wrist got caught between the bars and I screamed out at the excruciating pain and the loud snapping noise.

Ashton rushed next to me, gently pulling my wrist from between the bars. "Someone call 911 now!" He shouted and I noticed Autumn down at the bottom of the stairs, tapping at her phone quickly before putting it to her ear. "Come on, Luke." Ashton whispers softly, helping me finish the walk down the stairs. I felt so ashamed of myself because so many people were starring and I knew I was going to get an earful about this on Monday.

"I can't go to the hospital!" I shout once we're outside, away from everyone. "I'm drunk! I'll get in trouble!"

"Luke, you have to go to the hospital. Your wrist isn't even in the right place." Ashton mutters, keeping his gaze on my face because I guess my wrist was that bad. I didn't even want to look at it because I knew it would hurt more if I did.

"But I'll get in trouble." I cry.

"But your wrist will get worse if you don't go." Ashton retaliates.

"Will you stay with me at the hospital, Ashton? I don't have anyone" I cough out, my throat becoming dry.

He nods quickly, "of course I will, Luke, don't worry."

"An ambulance is on its way." Autumn says, hanging up the phone.

"Thank you." I mutter, feeling my eyes get heavy. "Autumn?" I question.

"Yes, Luke?" She asks.

"Can you drive Ashton to the hospital when the ambulance gets here? I don't want him driving himself." I say and Ashton sends me a glare, but I ignore it.

"Sure, Luke." Autumn nods quickly.

"Thank you." I say, before my eyes fully close and I can only hear the faint sound of Ashton's voice, saying encouraging things to me.


Look at that. I finished it and posted it rather quickly ;)

june 2016

why do i love drake so much 

i forgot luke broke his wrist yikes

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