twenty three

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AYYYYEE, whaddup my fellow lashton lovers? ;)

So I tried to make this update longer then my other ones and I think it is (hopefully).

Anyways, so yeah. There was also this really attractive guy who was sitting only like 15 feet away from me at the beach and omfg I literally watched him take off his shirt and can I tell you he looked like cameron Dallas when he has his longer hair OMFFF I'm not even joking. He was gorgeous.

Anyways, sorry for the people who have been texting me and I haven't been replying! I've (surprisingly) been away from my phone the last couple of days.

Okay, okay, question of the chapter (qotc); what are your two favourer songs from the new 5SOS album? YOURE ONLY ALLOWED TO CHOOSE 2!! Mine are 18 and VooDoo Doll! I'm seriously obsessed with them.


I sat next to Ashton on the plane and waited patiently for everyone else to board. I was laughing at the fact that Ashton was bouncing his knees rapidly and rubbing his palms on his thighs every once in a while. He was so nervous to be flying on a plane, yet he chose the window seat.

"I've never been on a plane before. What if we plummet out of the sky? I'm only eighteen, Luke. I can't die." He had said.

"You'll be fine, Ash, I promise." I had replied.

By the time the plane was finally full and they were instructing everyone to buckle their seats, I sighed happily because I just wanted to see my aunt before she left for work; otherwise I would have to wait until the next morning.

She always worked the nightshift at their local hospital; which meant her hours were seven at night until ten in the morning. She would sleep most of the day after that. Her schedule was so messed up because of the shift switch.

"Holy shit, I'm actually flying." Ashton smiles, looking out the window.

"See?" I laugh. "It's not that bad."

There was an older lady sitting next to me, but she was too occupied with the movie that was playing on her iPad to notice us. She was watching some old war film and her headphones drowned out the sound around her.

"So," Ashton says, once he's officially calmed down. "What's your aunt like?"

"Well, her name is Hannah. People at the hospital always joke around and call her Hannah Montana just to mess with her." I chuckle. "She looks like my mom, but with brown hair. She works night shifts, so we'll be home alone nights unless she takes off--which she probably will with us being here--and-"

"That's okay." Ashton smiles, lacing his fingers with mine.

I quickly pulled away from him and looked around. "Someone might see, Ashton."

"It's okay, Luke." He smiles, grabbing my hand again. "I'm pretty sure no one we know is going to be on this plane."

"You never know." I shrug, but let my fingers slide in between his anyway.

"We're okay." He leans over and kisses my cheek before settling back in his seat. "Do you want to watch a movie on the way there? Or-"

"Sure, babe." I reply without even thinking.

A smile grows on his face, "you just called me babe."

My cheeks got hot and I look down at my lap. "I'm sorry, I-"

"It's okay." He laughs lightly before pulling his iPad out of his drawstring bag. He plugged his headphones in and gave me one earbud as he put the other one in his ear. He had a few movies on the 

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