Chapter 1: Dragon raid

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Author's note :
Moon: Hello everyone this is Moon Blizzard but call me Moon and this is my very first story , Hope you like it .
Silver: Hi I'm Silver, Moon's companion and best friend.
Moon: Got that right, now......
Both: Enjoy .
No one's P.O.V.:
Dragon raid, yet another Dragon raid. Vikings are all over fighting dragons. Dragons stealing food, Vikings shouting battle cries.A certain viking chief fighting dragons and his wife is helping the weak, leaving their only child alone in the house, oblivious of the great destiny that awaits him.

Among the dragons, was a Night Furry with her hatch-ling.

A Night Furry's P.O.V. 5 minutes ago:
I am one of the three strongest types of dragons. A Night Furry. But my kind is so close to extinction. But that doesn't stop the red death from sending me and my son - the only Night Furrys left- to raid the humans.( I'll make the Dragon talking in italics.)

"Alright son, we are on our way to Berk and this is your first raid so don't mess up or the queen will eat you alive." I said to my little hatch-ling. He was only a few months old but the queen wanted him to raid the humans to gain experience and because he's a Night Furry. Oh! Where are my manners, I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Night wave, the dragon commander.

"Got that mother."

"Night wave!!" Said a wise storm cutter I know. He can sense a great destiny from miles away. Cloud Jumper is his name.

"What is it Cloud Jumper?" I asked.

"I sense a great destiny nearby, one that can end this war. A legend." I gasped, could this be? Could this nightmare finally end after years of war?

"Well, who is it? Who is this Dragon that can end this war?" I said, eager to know about this 'legend'.

"Not a Dragon. A human." I gasped. "Along side with your son." I looked at my son, to see that he is having to much fun flying to listen to our conversation.

"Thank you. I'll see what can I do about it." He nodded and left. Berk was up ahead and we started the raid.

Stoik's P.O.V. :
I was in my home cuddling with my wife Valka and my baby son Hiccup, until......

"DRAGON RAID!!!!" that happened. I ran out of my house with Valka close behind leaving Hiccup alone. I just hope he stays safe.

Hatch-ling's P.O.V. :
I'm the only other Night Furry alive. I don't have a name yet. Nobody seems to have a perfect name for me, so they just keep calling me hatch-ling.

I was in the raid with my mother. I was shooting down catapults, freeing captured dragons and blasting oblivious humans.

Until something cough my eye. It's a baby. A human baby. In a human house. I have to see him. Thanks to my small body and speed, I'm able to go in and out with out anybody seeing or find evidence to even know a dragon was here.

I got into his room and looked at him. My mother followed suit.

He reached out to me with his tiny hands, and was laughing.

I gasped.

He had forest green eyes, just like mine. When he reached out to me, I couldn't help but admire that hand. With his soft giggles, I could only see his hand. It's so great . So kind. And it's so..... so.... peaceful .

I couldn't help but put my snout in his tiny, soft palm. And fell a bond instantly formed between us, and I couldn't have it in any other way.

I can feel a viking presence here, but I can't bring myself to disturb the baby. Then I heard soft running steps and voice shouts "HICCUP!!!" What Hiccup?

Cloud Jumper came in and I don't know what happened but after a few minutes another voice shouted "VALKA!!!" And before I knew it. An axe was thrown right in front of my eyes, barely missing them. I accidentaly bite the boy in his shoulder and he started crying. I have to leave. I take flight and take one last glance at the boy, to see him gazing at me wide eyed.

"I'll see you soon my friend!" I yell at him. Well more like roar but what's the difference! And the reaction is instant. He starts laughing again. I smile to myself and take my leave.

Night Wave's P.O.V. :
I saw my son enter a human house and i follow him. I see a human boy in his bed. He looks so cute and peaceful. It's a shame that this boy will grow up to become a killer like his parents.

But then he did something unexpected. He reached out to my son. I saw my son admire his hand a little and put his snout in his tiny hand.

Suddenly a human female shouted "HICCUP!!!" I saw Cloud Jumper enter the house and then he and the human woman locked eyes and they were going to form a bond till....

"VALKA!!!" A large man came in and threw an axe at my son, and it barely missed his eyes.

My son was startled that he accedantly bit the boy's shoulder and then started to take flight and I followed him.

"I'll see you soon my friend!" My son says to the human baby.

He then left and I followed him, as well as the rest of the dragons after a few seconds. ( 'These are the thoughts of both humans and dragons' )

I silently smirk to myself and send a knowing look to Cloud Jumper and he return it 'This war is about to end'
Moon: And the first chapter is out. Do you like it.
Silver: You put so much work in it. Hard work always pays off.
Moon: awwww , Silver. What would I do without you.
Silver: probably get your self killed. Ten times at least.
Moon: No comment. Well at least let's end this chapter.
Silver: alright. 3...2...1...

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