Chapter 14: For The Past 3 Years

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No One's P.O.V:
Blood was on the ground. The ax was deep in it's target's shoulder. Actually it's original target was Gobber, but with immense speed that could easily put that of a Speed Stinger to shame, The Prince was right in in front of Gobber, to take the hit. Effectively putting him in the bloody mess he was in at the moment.

"What in the name of Thor do you think you're doing?!" After being dead for five years, Stoic's fatherly instinct came back at full force. Who's the poor guy in range? The one who threw the ax; Spite Loud.

"He's a traitor, Stoick, he-"


"Stop! Both of you!!" That immedietly shut them both up. Not because of the order, but more of the one who ordered them. Gobber is usually..... well.... Gobber. Hearing him commanding the Chief and his brother to stop like some sort of bickering children is certainly a sight to behold. " 'Iccup nee's 'elp, an' if yo don't care abou' 'is wellbeing, I do! Com'on, Gothi!"

He took Hiccup, held him bridel style, and did what most Vikings thought is impossible; he hopped on Toothless' back. Gothi climbing behind Gobber did nothing to ease that shock.

"Toothless, I don' know 'ow to maneuver you're tail, so yer gonna 'ave te run all da way."

Toothless gave a slight grunt and took off running to Gothi's hut.

Time skip: 1 hour later:
Gothi just healed Hiccup. Stoic and Gobber were sitting outside waiting for him to wake up. And while they waited, Stoic asked Gobber a question he wanted to ask for the past 15 minutes.

"From the way you acted in the Ring I can only guess that you knew that Hiccup was alive?"

Gobber sighed, and took a peek inside through the opened door to see Hiccup sleeping soundly with Toothless at the foot of his bed, waiting for his friend to wake up. 'Well,' he thought, 'no poin' in hidin' it now, is the'e?' He nodded.

"How long?"

He shifted his gaze back at his old friend and said "I've known fo' da pas' 3 yea's, now, Stoic"

"And you didn't bother to tell me? Did you know how long I-"

"He didn't exac'ly leave me a choice, Stoic." Gobber cut him off. "He sai' it's either I don' tell anyone or I won' see 'im again. And I definitely ain't goin' fo' da latter."

"At least you could've convinced him to come back." Stoic said.

"Do you think I haven' tried? For da past three years I've been askin' 'em that very question : 'why don't You come back home?' And for the past three years I get the same answer: 'My home is with the Dragons.' Can' you see, Stoic? We drove em' away! We held him back! He ran away with Dragons an' do you know wha' happened? He go' so strong he flattened ya in a Duel!"

Stoic staid silent and bowed his head, knowing that all of that was true.

"He calls 'em 'is family." That made his head snap back up again.

"The Beasts? And not his own trib?" He asked.

"Dat's exac'ly wha' A told 'em when he sai' tha'. Bu' instead of justifying 'imself, he showed me."

"Showed you?"

"Yup. An' dat's how A met 'is best friend, Toothless."

"Toothless?" Gobber pointed with his thumb to Toothless, who haven't moved an inch really. "The Night Fury?" Gobber nodded.

"Dey practically took 'im in, Stoic. Dey helped 'em, dey protected 'em, dey trained 'em, dey love 'em." Gobber emphasised the word love to see how he would he react.

Stoic pit his head in his hands. It was all too much for him. The Dragons loved him, while Village shunned him and abused him. 'And where was I?' He thought. He looked at his old friend for guidance. "How do I make it up to him?"

"By accepting me for who I am." Said a third voice. Stoic and Gobber turned to see Hiccup walking up to them, leaning heavily on his best friend. "And by letting me show you that Dragons are not what they appear to be."

Stoic quickly got up and walked towards Hiccup, his arms wide opened. "Son." He said.

"Don't call me that." Stoic stopped in his tracks and looked at his son.


"I said don't call me your son. I'm not your son."

"We're flesh and blood, Hiccup."

"And that's the only thing that ties us, nothing more. And Hiccup died the day I left Berk. Now, my name is Night Fang. Good day, Chief."

Hiccup and Toothless went down the steps, and they made their way back to the forest.

"I think you were a bit harsh on him back there, Hiccup." Toothless said, still supporting Hiccup.

"That was nothing compared to what he did to me all those years." He replied, to tired to use Dragonese.

"But I know you, Brother. Revenge is not something you would do. You still love him."

Hiccup deadpaned. 'He knows me too well.' "Yes I do." He said out loud. "But that doesn't mean I have to be nice to him though. After all that neglect, he found a one way ticket out of my family. And besides, The Alfa took his place as my father long ago."

"I know that. But you heard him, he wants to make it up to you."

Hiccup didn't answer. He knew his brother was right. But he couldn't bring himself to forgive him just yet.

"Let's just rest, rebuild your tail, and get out of here, okay, Bud?"

"Alright." Toothless thought for a moment then continued "How's your shoulder doing?"

"Oh, nothing much. It's not like an axe was sticking out of it a few moments ago or anything."

Toothless laughed (as much as a Dragon can laugh), it's good to have his brother back.
Silver: Sorry we're late! Had a lot going on in the last year.

Atrix: ........

Silver: Uh.. Atrix?

Atrix: ........

Silver: I think I beat her too hard 😅.

But can you blame me! She didn't update in ages.

But since she's out cold at the moment.....


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