Chapter 3: A DRAGON WHAT!!??

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Moon: *Sighs*
Silver: What's wrong.
Moon: I don't think anybody will read this.
Silver : Only time will tell. Enjoy guys.
Hiccup's P.O.V :
"Of course I can. What ar-... Wait a minute. Humans are not supposed to understand dragons." Says the Night Furry.

"But I'm a human, right?" I asked.  Even though deep down, I feel that it's not true.

"Not an entire human, you're not." We both turn to see a Storm Cutter heading our way.

"Cloud Jumper? What are you doing here?" Said the Night Furry. Wait a minute... they have names?

"It is an unexpected meeting, isn't it?" Said Cloud Jumper... or so I think that's his name.

"Um, excuse me, but some people are still in the dark here." I say grabing the attention of both dragons.

"Oh, yes. Well allow me to demonstrate." I nod signaling him to continue. "You are not a normal human. You were bitten by the same Night Furry that is standing right infront of you."


"WHAT!!?? YOU'RE THAT CHILD FROM THAT DAY???" The Night Furry said turning to me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did something happen to you will you were a baby?" Asked Cloud Jumper. I still don't see his point, though.

"Well my parents said that I was bitten on my shoulder by a Night Furry. But strangely, the mark disappeared after a few minutes." I explain. (Just so you know, Volka wasn't taken away and she spent some years with them but died when she got shot by an arrow sposely aimed at a Dragon but still tried to make Pease between humans and dragons. )

"Look at your shoulder." Says Cloud Jumper.


"Just do it."

I do as he say and look at my shoulder. I gasp. I see a black Night Furry curled like a snake on my shoulder.

"What the??!!" I start to panic. This mark wasn't there before! And what if my dad see it?

"Calm down. This mark is only a proof."

"A proof to what?"

"A proof that you are the Dragon Prince."

"The Dragon ........?" I started.

"Prince.......?" The Night Furry finished.

"Just let me explain. Both of you know about the war between both our kinds, am I correct?" We both not our heads once. "Then you should know that it has been on for quite some centuries." A nod. "And how it should be stopped." Another nod. "Then you must know that 15 years ago a legend was chosen to stop this war. And that legend is you Hiccup. You are the Dragon Warrior chosen to stop this war." Cloud Jumper finished. And I think my mind stopped working. Me...... A dragon......... Wha?

"A DRAGON WHAT!!??" I exclaimed. I stared to panic again. I can't take this. A few moments ago I was Hiccup the useless. And now I'm some kind of a dragon Warrior?

Night Furry's P.O.V
"A DRAGON WHAT!!??" the human exclaimed. I think he's not taking it well. Then again neither am I.

"Shouldn't we try calm him down?" I asked Cloud Jumper.

"No. The sooner he let it all out, the sooner he'll come to accept his fate." he said in his all wise tone. But now that I think about it, the legend says that the Dragon that will bite the chosen one, and transform him to the dragon prince, will be his partner in bringing peace to the archipelago. Does that mean we should team up? I don't know. But it sounds like it. And... It's sounds right.

"I... I thhink I could accept this." the human said out of breath. Was he running around? Well at least he calmed down a little. That's an improvement.

"Told you so." Cloud Jumpers whispered with a childish tone. I rolled my eyes at him.

Hiccup's P.O.V :
"I... I think I could accept this." I said maybe I can finally stop this war. I always hated how each of our species kill each other. Maybe I can stop this. No. I will stop this. No matter hard or long it takes.

I've made my decision. A decision I know will change my hole life as well as many others.

"I accept this. I will stop this war. Even if it takes leaving my tribe behind" the dragons seamed surprised by this. Can't blame them. I even surprised myself.

"Are you sure about your decision Hiccup?" said Cloud Jumper.


"Well then I do not know the hole legend but the bewildere beast does. I'm afraid I'll need to leave. It's a one week trip. Will both of you be alright on your own?" we both nod our heads and Cloud Jumper takes off flighing to who knows where.

"Well then. I think it's just me and you."

"I believe so." he said looking down.

"What?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Your mark."

"What about it? "

"I makes you produce a special scent. Telling any dragon that you're special."

"Oh great. Then the entire specie knows who I am."


"What do you mean? " I asked. Confused.

"They'll know you're special but won't know why." he answered.

"Well that makes thing a little better. So what's your name?" I asked the Night Furry. He was shocked then sad for some reason.

"I don't have one" he said a hint of sadness I can tell he's trying to cover up. Keyword: trying. And failing miserably.

"Why? I heard you call that Storm Cutter by a name; Cloud Jumper. So why you don't have a name?" I asked. It doesn't make sense!

"My mother died before she can name me, the other dragons didn't find a fitting name, and I've been called Night Furry all my life."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." he muttered a small 'it's Okay.' and hung his head low. 'Come on! Think, Hiccup. Think!'

"Well how about I name you?" 'That's what you were able to come up with? Wow. You need a life.'

"Okay, I guess. What's the harm in it?" he said. Well let's think. I look at him. Wait a minute. The fish! It's still in my hand! I didn't give it to him yet!

I try to give him the fish. He looks at it then opens his mouth. He has no teeth? Strange. "Huh. Toothless. But I could've sworn I saw you have......"

Suddenly. 2 sets of teeth appeared in his mouth and he swallowed the fish whole. ".... Teeth?" Wow! He has retractable teeth! This is amazing!

"How about Toothless?" I asked him.

"Toothless? It doesn't sound much but I think it's fitting for some reason. It's a good name."

"Well then. Toothless it is."

"Well, what's your name?" he asked me.

"Hiccup." I answered. And suddenly he was on his back laughing. I groaned.

Well at least I know my life won't be boring anymore.

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