Here comes Mary

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     She had been planning this for a while. Mary packed her bags and walked out if Radley with a smile. I'm coming Peter. She went to the Hastings household and knocked on the door.

Upstairs, Alex and Spencer we're playing with Emily. Alex heard the knock and went to go get it.

Spencer: Wait Alex, we can't open the door to strangers.

Alex: What if it's not a stranger?

Emily: You shouldn't open it.

Alex: Ugh...........I gonna go open it. Bye!

Emily: Don't!

Spencer: Alex!

     It was no use, Alex had been downstairs already, and she opened the door.

Alex: Hi.

Mary: Hello sweetie, are your parents home?

Alex: Nope.

Mary: May I come in and wait for them?

      Spencer and Emily heard the whole conversation and went downstairs. Spencer interrupted their talk.

Spencer: No you can't.

      Mary looked over to Spencer and smiled. Spencer had learned not to talk to strangers, unfortunately, this stranger was her mother.

Alex: Spencer!

Spencer: She can't come in, she's a stranger.

Mary: That's alright, I'll just wait outside until your parents show up.

Alex: Nonsense! 

   Alex grabbed Mary's arm and pulled her inside.

Spencer: Alex!

Alex: What? She's not gonna hurt us!

Mary: I won't I promise.

     Suddenly Peter walked in.

Peter: Mary? What are you doing here?!

Mary: I came to take my daughters back.

Alex: Emily is your daughter?!

Spencer: I think she mean us Alex.


Spencer: (Facepalm)

Peter: Get away from here!

      Mary took out a gun and shot Peter in the arm. Mr. Hastings fell down holding his arm as Mary grabbed Spencer and Alex then ran away. Emily stood there in shock.

Peter: Emily, Call 911!

Emily: Uh...I got to go!

     Emily ran out of the house fast, leaving a bleeding Peter on the floor.

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