Chapter 11: I Ran Out Of Fun Chapter Names, So

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Chapter Eleven

With Snape still in a huffy mood over the spell I'd cast, Avery crossed to the front of the room.

I'd initially been baffled by the contents of the room, and I still was. But I had realized that this was their sort of headquarters, or game plan room. There was a map of the inside of Hogwarts on the far wall, several old desks in the center of the room,and stacks of paper littering the floor.

Avery cleared his throat and my neck snapped as I hurried to watch him.

"Okay," he began. "Snape, I think that's should be the leader from now on. Your plan isn't getting us anywhere! You have holes in it-and one very large hole, I might add. My plan is simple, yet effective. We get in, do our job, get out. Done. He's pleased, were honored, and everyone is happy." He gave a pointed look to Snaps. "I also have some other news," he said with a cold, triumphant look on his face.

Snape stood up, opening his mouth, but Avery stopped him in his tracks. "Sit down, Snape. I believe I've found a solution to that large hole."

Avery smirked and crossed the room over to a large, cloth-covered object. "With the held of Lucius Malfoy, I have managed to locate the Vanishing Cabinet." He swept the cloth away dramatically.

I stared at it blankly. It was just a huge black box. I'd read about Vanishing Cabinets, but I had no idea there was one located in Hogwarts.

"You. . . You found it?" Snape gasped, trying unsuccessfully to not sound incredulous.

"Whats a Vanishing Cabinet?" Mulciber asked.

"I believe a live and in-person demonstrating is needed," Avery said. "Any volunteers?"

Mulciber and Snape eyed each other warily out of the corners of their eyes.

Avery began pacing the front of the room. He passed directly in front of me twice. "Come on guys, I can't show you unless I have a volunteer!" He shifted his weight from one foot to another. "How about out special guest?" He stopped directly in front of my desk. "The Mudblood herself, Lily Evans," he said as he blindly reached his hands out to where I was hiding and snatched the cloak off my head before I could react.

Snape and Mulciber jumped to their feet as soon as I appeared.
"Well, Evans, want a ride in the Vanishing Cabinet?" he said, grabbing my arm.

I whipped my wand out and thought the first spell that came into my mind. Instantly, ropes wrapped themselves around Avery's arms and legs.

"Get her!" he shouted shrilly.

Mulciber lunch he'd forward and knocked my wand out of my hand. I scramble underneath the desk to retrieve my wand, but was stopped by Avery, who had managed to free himself. Snape was standing idly in the corner of the room, simply watching. Avery pointed his wand directly at my face and did a nonverbal spell, leaving my wondering which spell he had chosen. I knew the answer in five seconds.

It was the Impediment Curse. I was instantly knocked to the ground. I'd never been hit with this particular jinx, and it's effects were odd. I couldn't move at regular speed. I simply willed the effects of the spell to wear off, and quickly. But before that wonderful moment could occur, I was yanked to my feet by Mulciber.

I heard the word, "Imperio," being spoken by Avery and immediately felt like a great weight had been lifted off my chest. I felt. . . light and free. No more worrying about N.E.W.T.s, my classes, Snape, my conflicted feelings about James. . .

Did I really just acknowledge having 'conflicted' feelings about James Potter?

That was all it took to bring me back to life. Fight it, come on, come on, you did this in Defense Against the Dark Arts in sixth year!

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