Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14


Sorry it's been a while everyone! I had summer camp etc sooo yeah!

Anyways, only nine chapters left now! I can't believe it! This is so awesome; you're all great and I appreciate every single one of you. Please fan, comment, vote, and/or follow to show support for the author! You're all amazing!




I walked down to lunch with all my friends except Remus on Monday morning. We sat down in the middle of Gryffindor table and began eating shepherd's pie.

"Anyone seen Moony?" James inquired.

"I haven't seen him since breakfast! Stupid smart kid. Stuck in Arithmancy with a bunch of nerds," Sirius joked.

"Hey!" I said. "I was in Arithmancy this morning with Remus! Are you calling me a nerd?"

"Um. . . Yes, yes I am," he laughed.

Ignoring him, I said, "I saw him in class, but we weren't next to each other. He came in late and got stuck in front of the select few Slytherin boys who scored high enough on their O.W.L.s to continue Arithmancy. He left before I could talk to him."

Sirius shrugged. Peter was hopelessly trying to turn his eyes back to their normal color. We'd had Transfiguration first period, and were working on changing our eye colors. I'd managed to change mine to purple and back again, whilst Peter's were still stuck at an ugly brownish-yellow color.

"Oh, here you go Peter." I pointed my wand at his eyes and changed them back to their watery blue. "There."

"Thanks, Lily," he smiled nervously.


Suddenly, Remus walked up to us and plopped down next to me. I scooted over on the bench to make room for him. "Hey, Remus, where have you been?"

A bunch of Slytherins walked past our table just then. Remus's fists were clenched and his face was set. I heard a few of the Slytherins laughing.

"Remus. . . What's up?"

"Nothing. . . I'm fine. It's nothing. Just hungry."

He doled out some food onto his plate. Later, I realized that he didn't eat anything.


That night at dinner, Remus literally wolfed down his food and then bolted out of the Great Hall, muttering something about 'the library.'

I turned to James. "Last week before the holidays! Do you have any plans?"

"Other than Slughorn's Chrisfmas party Friday night?"

At this I blushed slightly.

"Nope! Just Christmas at home with Mum and Dad, and Padfoot will most definitely come by at some point."

"Cool," I said.

"What about you?"

"I'm just heading home and putting as many protection spells possible over my family's house. Everything's getting so serious what with You-Know-Who and his followers, I want go make sure that they're safe while I'm not there."

"That's a great idea, Lily."


We launched into a conversation about the holidays then, and I didn't realize how long we had been talking until Elle snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Lily! I have a quick question, and then you may retreat back into your tunnel vision sight!"

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