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8 months Later...

[So..I haven't had time for you in a while...but I'm..I had my baby, and its a boy!!  Grace had hers too and it's a girl!! Her and her mom are not on good-terms, Grace got tired of her dad's wife and moved into a hotel that I help her pay for. Kaylee loves the new babies. Jerry proposed to my mom..and she said yes. They've disappeared a long time, and  they came back. They keep saying they've been meaning to tell me something. But they're gone again. I wish I could make this longer but Kylan is crying.]

(Something is wrong with wattpad and they won't even let me change it too Bold letters now!!!🤦🏾‍♀️)

I put my book up and slide it up under my bed where it usually stays. It's night and Kylan my new born baby I was able to bring home today! Is crying so I'm walking downstairs to fix him a bottle before he wakes Kaylee up.

I enter the kitchen, I take the pre-made bottle out the fridge. I put it in the microwave. I look up at the Cinnamon Toast Crunchz I want some. I get em' from the top of the fridge and grab a bowl.

I feel a pair of Hands roughly push me down from behind. I fall face first busting the glass bowl on my face. I hear heavy foot steps run up the stairs. I can't even see because it's dark as hell in the house. I rub my face and shoot my eyes open. "Kylan!" I yell jumping off the ground and sprinting up the stairs.

They slam my mom's room door. I try to open it but it's locked. I hear Kaylee crying in my room. I run to her as she points at the crib. I look in it and see the blanket spread across the crib without Kylan in it.

"Kylan!" I scream hearing his cries from my mom's room. I step back and kick the door down. I hear his muffled screams coming the balcony.

I go over to it and try to open it but it's lock and I don't even know how to unlock it. My mom's balcony door is like those complicated; but simple ones..but I still do t know how to open it!

I run to her closet and grab her wooden bat. I go over to the glass door balcony and smash the windows out. I run through and reluctantly stop when I see my dad holding Kylan over the balcony.

"Daddy No!" I yell. "Make one more step and he goes" my dad says stepping closer to the balcony. I break down crying. "What do you want from me!" I whimp.

"I fucking hate you! I hate your momma! I hate your brother! I hate every fucking body! Y'all left me! I loved y'all and y'all up and left me like I wasn't shit! So since you wanna tear y'all THE PEOPLE I love it of my life! I'm going to do the same! To every each and one of y'all!"

"Shut the fuck up! I got this! We're going through with the plan! There's no turning back now! Well you should've said that then! Fine! Shut up I can't concentrate with y'all talking!" My dad says have a full blown conversation with NOBODY!

"On 3! One! Two! Three!" He says counting down. "No!" I yell noticing what he's about to do. He lets Kylan go letting him fall to the ground silencing his cries! He jumps over the balcony alone. "No!" I scream to the top of my lungs. I see the police rushing down the street.

I rush downstairs and snatch the door open as the police swerve into our yard. "Calm down mam! Tell us what happened!" The policeman say trying to calm me down. "He threw my son over the balcony!" I say running to the side of my house with them following. "Mam!" The officer yells.

I break down as I see Kylan on the ground with blood running from his head and mouth. Laying there lifeless. I don't even see my dad. He should've died. He will die!

I go over to Kylan with tears flooding down my face. I go over and pick his corpse up. I put his head on my chest crying. "Mam, for us to help you, you have to tell us what has happened." The policemen says stepping to me.

Ups and Downs: Can't Run From PainWhere stories live. Discover now