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"I honestly don't care anymore if she wants Kaylee she can have her. I'm done trying to get Kaylee on my side every time she decides to throw a hissy fit. I should have whooped her ass for her smart ass mouth, but y'all letting her get away with it holding me back is not going to do nothing but make her mouth even worst." I explain to them.

"For real knowing what you went through, you gone let her take Kaylee from you like that?" Grace asks me. "Yeah. Didn't I just tell you. I don't care. Like I said before Fuck my momma, and Kaylee." I say. "Her name not even Kaylee no more it's rape baby cause that's what she is." I say. "Kayla chill!" He snaps on me.

"Don't tell me to chill when just heard her tell me she hates me!" I say shoving him. "Kayla you going to far though." He says as he tries not to land on his injured leg. "I don't care!" I scream. "Kayla just.." Grace gets cut off by the door bell ringing. I go downstairs answering the door looking down at the package.

"What's that?" Grace asks me as she picks it up and open it. She looks at a paper and then pulls some pictures out before dropping them in shock. "What!" I ask as I pick them up looking at the picture of somebody holding my brother head w though his body attached, in a morgue background.

"What the hell." I say going through the pictures as Kyree slowly makes his way downstairs. "What is it?" He groans as he walks over to me taking the picture. He stuffs the pictures back in reading the note after trying to Stuff it back in the envelope, but I snatch it out his hand.

Did he really die, or was he smothered ;)

Love your dearest, mom..


"Okay bitch." I say throwing the paper down and going upstairs to my phone. "Kayla don't call her again. They already tracked us down by you fussing on the phone with her." Kyree says as he walks up the stairs. "Why the fuck is she fucking with me?" I ask him. "I don't know. But we'll get it handled." He says.

"No. They just keep on fucking with us, and it isn't fair. They won't let me be happy and I'm tired of it." I cry as he pulls me in his arms. "This isn't right." I cry on him. "I know baby. Listen to me we gone get it handled until then I just want you to sit back, relax, and clear your mind." He says to me. "No I can't. She's going to take Kaylee from me." I say crying even more.

"Look we can go off the guard for a while, and start homeschooling the girls it's all good babygirl. Okay? I promise you." He says. "No. I want to go to Florida to meet my brother." I say. He looks down at me like he's debating on something. "I'm not asking. I'm saying
that I'm going to visit him." I say making him sign. "Mama sit down, and just think about this. Okay?" He asks me.

"No." I say. "What if it's a set up? They knew yo brother hit a sensitive spot, and that run you'd right in yo other brother's arms, what if they follow you? They watching us this very moment. You need to think before do stuff mama." He says making me plop down on the bed and put my head down. "Pack your bags. We can leave to go somewhere tonight, cause your too beautiful to be going through stress mama." He says planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay." I say sniffling. "Calm down. I got you. Okay?" He asks me. "Umhhm." I nod. "I love you." I say hugging him. "I love you too." He says picking me up.



We're on the plane right now leavening to Hawaii. Of course Roscoe, and Kyro with us. Roscoe said that he's about to move down to Vegas for good so he can run the trap down there. G running the trap Cali, Roscoe was going to move back, and put G in Vegas, but dude got kids and everything so he can't.

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