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"Take care of Kaylee." I say in a soft voice as my eye sight gets blurry and I get dizzy headed. "What you say?" He yells. "I love you." I say closing my eyes.



"I think she cut her wrist! Roscoe bust the door open!" I yell at him making him step back and kick the door open. Before the door could even creek all the way open we see blood flooded on the floor. I swing the door seeing Kayla on the ground with her wrist slitted.

"Mane no!" I say as tears start coming down my face. "Help me get her up." I say sliding my arms under her. They lift me up and we rush her out to the car. They fill my car up and then get in ones behind me. "Kayla come on! Wake up." I say tapping her face as she sits in my lap as Roscoe skirts off.

I check pulse. "Mane you gotta hurry she barely gotta pulse!" I cry. I look down at her worst that was still bleeding. I go in the glove department and get a face towel putting it on her wrist. "Kayla wake up!" I say shaking her unresponsive body. "No! You can't die! Kayla wake up!" I yell trying man best to keep my composure.

I feel the car stop and see us at the hospital. I get out rushing up to the door. "My girlfriend slit her wrist, and she lost a lot of blood!" I yell going in there. They take her from me as I keep my hand on her neck for a pulse until I stopped feeling one. They start shocking her and shit until they put the breathing mask on her and rush down the hall and into one of those rooms.

"She not gone make it." I say shaking my head. "Kyree don't say that young nigga. We need to think positive." Roscoe says trying to comfort. "How I'm suppose to think positive when she just lost her pulse in my arms. You telling she gone make it. Her pulse gone drop in that surgery just like it just did!" I yell crying.

I wanna say I refuse to lose Kayla but I already know that I am. I understand her pain but Kyro did some fucked up shit to her, and that's why didnt want him with her all those years. Kyro better hope and pray that she make it out of surgery or I'm going on a killing spree.

And if Roscoe want it he can get it too!

I put my head in my shaky hands. I shake my head crying. "Bruh. I am so sorry for what happened to Kayla." I hear Kyro say. I shake my head looking up. "You Happy now? I don't have the girl that you been playing all along. You happy. Now you don't have to suffer seeing us happy together." I say.

"Nigga what?" He asks me. "You a dead man walking. I'm telling you that to yo face now. Nigga she just lost her pulse in my arms and they had to bring her back to take her into surgery." I tell him. "And if anybody even God himself get in my way of getting to you they can get it too. Cause what the fuck you did was took it to the extreme." I tell him.

His eyes darken. He chuckles trying to play it off as he walks out. I'm glad I put good fear in his heart cause I'm bout to back it the fuck up.

"We need a donor for blood." A nurse says making me stand up.

"Family of Kayla." The doctor says coming out. We all stand up surprising him. "Kayla made it through the surgery, but she's slipping into a coma. We don't know how long it'll be so we ask that you all visit her now before she does when she's responsive." He says lifting a weight off of my shoulder.

"It has to be 2 at a time." The Doctor says. "Fuck all of y'all. I'm going in." I mumble pushing through them. "What room." I ask him. "Uh.." He begins flipping through pages. "541." He says causing me to walk that way. I go into Kayla's room seeing her eyes shuttered as she rests her head on her hand.

"You sleep babygirl?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says in a raspy voice making me chuckle a bit. "They say you slipping into a coma." I report to her. "Feel That way." She mumbles. "Kayla I have never been so scared in my life." I say shaking my head sitting on the edge of her hospital bed.

Ups and Downs: Can't Run From PainWhere stories live. Discover now