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I wake up to somebody shaking me. "What?!" I groan. "Get yo ass up we gotta make a drop." Kyree says. "What Time is it? It's too early." I say. "It's 8 something in the morning Kayla, Get yo ole billboard shaped ass head up. We gotta go." Kyree says shaking me.

"Stop." I say as start to cry. I really don't feel like getting up my head hurts bad asf. "My head hurts." I say crying. "Kayla I know hell you-Grace!" Kyree yells. "What?" Grace says coming in. "Get her up. Kayla come on we gotta go!" Kyree snaps.

"Why can't you go by yourself?" I ask. "Because Roscoe said me and you have to make the drop. Come on man! Damn!" Kyree snaps. I groan pulling my covers back. "Kayla isn't the morning person Kyree." Grace says walking out. I get up. "You need to start wearing some clothes at night before my brother start laying the pipe down on yo ass." Kyree says looking at me.

"You mean yo Uncle?" I ask. "Yea but it doesn't sound right if when I say Uncle." Kyree says. I go into the bathroom slamming the door shut. I took my bath and left my hair down. I put my clothes on and went downstairs.

I saw Kyro in the kitchen eating bacon with Kaylee on his shoulders. "Hey." I say going in the kitchen. "You look sick." Kyro says. "How nice of you." I sarcastically say. "My bad." He chuckles. I grab a water out the fridge. "My head hurts." I say. "It's called a hangover Kayla." Kyro says feeding Kaylee a piece of bacon.

"I didn't drink that much last night." I say. "Your eyes were blood red, at least you know how to hold your liquor." He says shrugging his shoulders. I roll my eyes. I go into the cabinet that got the medicine in it and grab the bottle of aspirins.

I take one with my water. "Kayla bring up ass on bruh!" Kyree tells from the living room. "Stop yelling, I gotta hang over." I say walking out holding my head. We get in the car and Kyree starts driving towards the trap. "Stop the car, Stop the car!" I tell him.

Why?" He asks sounding irritated as he pulls over on the side of the road. I open the door and throw. Kyree pulls my hair back to move it out my way. "Damn Kayla how much you drink last night?" Kyree asks as I throw up on the curb. After I got done I wiped my mouth.

I grab a wipe out my purse and wipe my mouth. And then grab a Listerine and put it my mouth. Kyree opens his glove department and digs in there. He hands me a ponytail holder, and gets back on the road. I put my hair in a messy bun.
We switched out into a big truck.

"How you feel?" Kyree asks. "Like shit." I groan holding my head. "Do you have a aspirin or some thing?" I ask. "No. Should've asked me when we was in my car." He says. "My head hurts." I whine as I start to cry. "Kayla you a crybaby. Are you on your damn period?" Kyree asks. "No." I Answer.

He shakes his head. "Crybaby ass." He mumbles. "I'm not in the mood Kyree. Always got shit to say." I groan. "I'm not gone be nice to you, if you always cussing me out when I be playing with yo ole Hill billy looking ass!" He snaps.

"You use to bully me so shut up. The only reason I let you stay at my house is cause of Kyro." I say looking out the window. "Okay and don't you see I'm trying to be nice to you, and yo stupid ass pushing me away. That's why don't nobody like yo ole crocodile head ass now." He says.

"Me pushing you away? Nigga Shut up. The sound of your voice gives me a damn headache. You know I use to have a crush on your ugly ass! but now I really can't fucking stand you!" I go off on him. He stops the car and grabs me by my face. "Kayla." He says. A long silence grows between us. "Shut the fuck up." He says.

I roll my eyes. After we got done dropping the loads we headed back to the trap and got back in Kyree's car. "You want something to eat?" He asks me. I shake my head no. He stopped us at Wendy's and got himself some food. He pulled some of his fries out. "Let me get some." I say.

Ups and Downs: Can't Run From PainWhere stories live. Discover now