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I woke up on top of Kyro. I tap him so he can let me up. "No." He groans. "I gotta get Kaylee and Kaya ready for school." I tell him. He lets me go. I get up and slowly walk to Kaya and Kaylee's.

I start they bath putting their face towel in the bubble bath, while putting tooth paste on their tooth brush and lay it by the sink. Grace comes in and picks their clothes out and goes into the laundry room to iron them.

I wake Kaylee and Kaya up making them get up and get in the tub, I Make here beds and pick their clothes out and lay it on their beds. I walk out of the room and into mine and see Kyro in the phone looking mad.

I take a quick shower and slide on some peach colored tights and shirt, I slide my feet into my furry peach slides. I put on my breathable white sweater on and go downstairs and make breakfast.

I fix the kids' plate and fix the lunches and sit them on the table in their chairs along with their back packs. I walk back into my room and hear my shower on. I walk into the bathroom and see Kyro washing up. I brush my teeth and slick my hair into a ponytail.

He stops the shower and gets out with a towel wrapped around him. "I gotta go to the trap they got shit going on that we gotta check on. I'll be back here as soon as they get done with shit." He says still sounding mad. "What's going on?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Nothing." He says causing me to roll my eyes.

I hate when the boys don't tell me nothing. It makes me mad. Kyro got dressed and stuff. "I'm bout to go, I'll be back." He says leaning down and pecking my lips. "Okay." I say giving him a hug. He picks me up and carries me downstairs.

"Thank you." I say smiling wide at him. "Welcome Baby." He says pecking my lips once again before leaving out. I walk into the kitchen and see Grace washing the dishes and the kids just finishing up their plates. "Y'all ready?" I ask. "Yea." Kaylee says grabbing her backpack and lunch box.

We head out the door and see Kyree pulling up. I put the kids in the car and get in on the passenger side. "Hey Kaylee, Hey Kaya." Kyree says starting the car up. "Hey Kyree!" Kaylee says as Kaya remains quiet. "Kaya you now gone say hey to me?" Kyree asks looking at Kaya through the mirror as he drives.

She remains quiet. "She only talks to her momma. Sometimes she'll talk to me." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Awe." Kyree says pulling up to Kaylee's school. Oh btw Kaylee is 5, in kindergarten. Kaya is 3 in pre-k.

"Bye Kay." I say as she hops out the car. "Bye Kayla, Bye Kyree." Kaylee says. "Bye Kaylee." Kyree says waving. She waves back and walks up to the door and Kyree pulls off.

After we dropped Kaya off I asked Kyree to take me to Starbucks. We take a seat at the table getting our stuff. "What you been up to?" Kyree asks glancing at the rock on my finger. "Um, Nothing Kyro asked my too be his girl and I told him yea." I say getting nervous of his reaction.

He nods his head sitting back. "You had sex with him?" He asks. "Huh?" I ask. "Did you have sex with him? I been seeing the way you walk, and you glowing today. I know you, you can't hide nothing from me. I been knowing you for 2 years Kay." He says looking at me. I sit in silence not knowing how to respond.

"If I cant be your man, than at least let me be your bestfriend. You don't gotta hide shit from me." He tells me. "Isn't That gonna be hard for you though?" I ask. "What you mean?" Kyree asks confused. "I heard that it's hard to be friends with someone you love." I tell him referring to Kyro told me yesterday.

He narrows his eyes at me and takes my hand into his. "Kayla if it's worth keeping you in my life, I'm all for it. And I know you got that from Kyro stupid ass." He says laughing at the end. "Kayla..I don't even know what to tell you, G. You gotta stupid nigga on your hands." Kyree says laughing.

I frown. "Shut up." I say. "Okay. But just know I'm here when he hurts you. With open arms." He says holding his arms out making me laugh. "Shut up." I say laughing. "Come give me a hug and I will." He says. I reach over the table and give him a hug only for him to drag me to the side.

He slides me into his lap. "Kyree Stop." I say getting up from his lap and sitting back down. Kyree sits there for a minute looking at me. "So I'm, I wanna spend as much time with Kaylee and Kaya this week as much as I can." Kyree tells me.

I narrow my brows at him. "Why?" I ask. "Because Kyro prolly told you but there some problems down at the trap. And we might be going to war soon, not a lil war either. I'm talking these folks done teamed up with a whole moths gang to go to war with us." Kyree says in a serious tone.

"I might not make it out. So I want them to at least have enough time with me before I go." He says making me cry. "What?" I ask crying even harder. "Don't cry." He says getting up and coming over by me and hugging me. "You can't say don't cry when you say something like that. You just said it like it's normal." I say crying into his chest.

"Kayla." He says not knowing what to say as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Move. I'm going too." I say. "No your not!" He says shaking his head. "Yes I am. Y'all can't leave us." I say wrapping my arms right around him. "I can't make a promise." He says sounding hurt.

After we got into the car, I put my seatbelt on looking out the window. "You want me to take you back home?" Kyree asks. "No take me to the trap." I say. "Kay-." He begins to say. "I'm not saying it again!" I snap before making him start up the car.

When we pull up I get out and head for the door. When I go in I don't see nobody. I got to the conference room and see everybody gathered around the table. I bust through the door scanning the crowd for Kyro. "Kayla what's up with you?" Roscoe immediately say standing up like he ready to blow somebody heads off.

"Really y'all kept this from me." I say folding my arms across my chest. "We just don't want to get hurt. You know since you gotta Sister and.." Kyro begins to say. I turn around and punch the wall shutting him up.

"Fuck getting hurt! I'm on this bitch too! I told you from the start that I don't wanna be treated like a bitch when I come here! And look what you doing!" I yell. "Kayla we not treating you like a bitch." Roscoe says. "I'm going." I say. "No your not Kayla." Kyro says signing.

"Y'all gone be real disappointed when I go then. It's just not bout to go down like this, y'all treating me like I'm the bitches downstairs!" I snap as Kyree walks in the door. "Kayla we just don't want you to get hurt, you have a sister and niece to look after." Roscoe says. It's taking everything in me to not say fuck all that even though I won't mean it.

"Kyro and Kyree has a close relationship with them why do they get to go?" I ask. "Kayla you are not going end of discussion." Roscoe says sternly. I take my hands out of my coat balling my fist up. "Go to my office and wait." He tells me.

As do as said in silence. When he comes back in he sits down in his chair in front of me. "Kayla my first question is why are you walking like that today, and you glowing?" Roscoe asks. I shrug my shoulders looking away.

"Why are you so stubborn?" He asks ignoring my shrug. I look at him and break down crying. "You can't let Kyro and Kyree go without me I don't want them to get hurt. I can't loose them Roscoe." I cry to him. "If they get killed you might have that possibility of getting killed too." He says.

"I don't want to be here if they're not here with me." I admit. Roscoe sits back in his chair stroking his chin hair like he's debating on something. "Kayla hear me out when I say this but..no." He says. "I don't know what no is." I say getting up and leaving out.


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