CHAPTER 1: Alternate opening

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After so lot of thought. I've decided to alternate choice.

Unlike a New Destiny sequel. This one will be shorter version and straight to point. It will include never before read scene that weren't included in A New Destiny.  I've also decided to change Yui's love interest back to Ayato Sakamaki.
Pick up where the final scene of the epilogue left off. Eight chapters total.

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It was near midnight when the dark-haired teen named Hayashi Yui awoken. At first, she was confused, not recognising her surroundings.

She remembered the strange dream she had months ago and encountered her emotionless self. And a strange male voice seemed oddly familiar.  For a moment, she saw golden eyes observing her, and lips turned into a mystery grin. Knowing something she didn't.
'Good your awake,' he had said. She passed out. When she came to again. He had disappeared as if he had never been there.

Now she looked down to see tubes attached to the crease of elbow and wrists, pumping fluids into her body.

A plastic bracelet wrapped around her wrist, it looked like wristband patients were in a hospital. Which made her wonder she was in a hospital and how she got there.

She experienced mild migraines. Faintly remembering purple smoke, a gun and four figures, a cold hand touching her and collapsing into someone's arms. 
Ruki Mukami's arms

She noticed a new scar across her chest, white, but stood out against her pale skin. A reminder.

They did it. Actually, she put her unconscious self through surgery and transplanted Yui's heart into her chest.  A feeling of sadness washed over her.


She felt the girl was no longer in this world with them. She had passed on who knows when and ascended to heaven. Left Ayato, love of her life too.

Felt some guilt. It was all her fault. If she had tried reverse virus from the start, this all could have been avoided. A small voice convinced her. It wasn't her fault. How was she supposed to know a zombie apologise would occur? Or dangerous it was go back into the building? Her parents hadn't stood a chance and sisters' sacrifice. Yui sacrificed herself so Yui could live.

They may have seen to known each other for a short time. But wished got to spend more time with girl, imagine becoming good friends and protect from fangirls. Was never going to happen either. But she'd find culprit responsible and make them pay.

For that. She needed to get out of this hospital bed and find a way out. Sense if she didn't, something bad would happen.

Gently pried off the tubes from her skin, small droplets of crimson seeped out into the white bedsheets. Mentally noted she'd need bandaid or something cover her arms.

She slowly swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat up, grabbing the side of the bed. She slowly pushed herself off and slid off the bed. The moment her bare feet touched the ground, coldness seeped up her body.

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