Chapter 4: The Body.

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I was surrounded by lingering scent of death, creatures bodies melted into dark puddles of liquid.

Ms.Kyoko wasn't moving from the floor, starting to go corspe like pale as death claimed another victim.

She was gone. It was all my fault.


If I had been faster to get to the living room. Four vampire guests woken up and followed to discover broken into.

Woke up Ms. Kyoko drawn to the comotion.

If I hadn't hesitated when unknown creatures's claw against her neck. Threaten to kill her unless dropped the blades and hand myself over.

If I hadn't refused.

If only.

When one of creatures shrieked if refuse to come over. Then I would have to die.

she threw away her safety shield me from their attack, a part of me the stupid ignorant girl wanted to go into a corner and cry, to deny what I was seeing in front of me. Another fight back.

Her body thump to the floor.

I saw red.

End of flashback

My steel swords, and dress was soaked in black blood. Veil long since abandoned in bedroom. Smell of rotting meat threatened to fill my nostrils.

A body in the living room.

Whereas I had to keep it together for not only my sake but for hers as well. That was not me, I was stronger than that. to know better than to break down crying in front of vampires, a sign of weakness.

For a second I almost forgotten I had four half vampire guests in the same room trying to fight off the other intruders.

Gripped the sword tighter with one swift motion slashed the sword to the side, blood flicked off the blade onto the marble surface before swiftly putting swords in their holders.

Maybe it was a mistake.


"Oi, What happened to the place? it looks like a massacre." Yuma said.

It was and wasn't. They broke into place and had nerve threaten me and someone I cared about in late familys home.

"We were attacked?

They came onto the premises raising an alarm and broke in. Right now isnt a good time.

I need fresh air to clear my lungs of the stench its disgusting.

Need to find out how they got in.

Yuki walked past the body carefully steeping through the window avoiding touching the shards, outside was faintly lit by torchlight that flicked on the moment she stepped out.

"Careful you could cut yourself." They had followed her outside barely heard their footsteps. "I've got it. One drop could make a scent detectable."

She gingerly treaded over onto the grass scanning with her eyes.

It has to be so dark at night with only the moonlight and faint touch of light can show no traces of footprints.

"What are you looking for?" Ruki asks

"Footprints, any sign of which they entered. My father used to teach me to track so it should be no problem."
Yuki distinctively said kneeling on wet grass with hand against the ground.

Looking for tell- tale sign of disturbed grass. Broken twigs. Wished she'd brought flashlight. Blind as a bat out here.

"Although The stench is pretty bad ." Best if they didnt know. Blinded folded and practice thoroughly.

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